Einde inhoudsopgave
Europese Overeenkomst nopens de arbeidsvoorwaarden voor de bemanningen van motorrijtuigen in het internationale vervoer over de weg (AETR)
Partijen en gegevens
Geldend vanaf 05-01-1976
- Redactionele toelichting
De partijen en gegevens zijn afkomstig van de Verdragenbank (verdragenbank.overheid.nl).
- Bronpublicatie:
01-07-1970, Trb. 1972, 97 (uitgifte: 28-08-1972, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
18-09-1978, Trb. 1978, 110 (uitgifte: 01-01-1978, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Vakgebied(en)
Arbeidsrecht / Arbeidsomstandigheden en beroepsschade
Vervoersrecht / Wegvervoer
Trb. 1972, 97
Trb. 1978, 110
Trb. 1982, 107
Trb. 1983, 111
Trb. 1992, 145
Trb. 1994, 123
Trb. 1994, 163
Trb. 1995, 62
Trb. 2005, 24
Trb. 2006, 21
Trb. 2006, 58
Trb. 2006, 112
Trb. 2009, 161
Trb. 2010, 219
Trb. 2015, 109
Trb. 2016, 86
Trb. 2019, 84
Trb. 2020, 123
Trb. 2020, 124
Trb. 2022, 24
Partij | Datum inwerkingtreding | Voorbehoud |
Albanië | 16-01-2007 | |
Andorra | 12-08-1987 | |
Armenië | 06-12-2006 | |
Azerbeidzjan | 12-02-1997 | |
Belarus | 02-10-1993 | |
België | 16-08-1978 | |
Bosnië en Herzegovina | 06-03-1992 | |
Bulgarije | 08-11-1995 | |
Cyprus | 03-03-2004 | |
Denemarken | 16-08-1978 | |
de Duitse Democratische Republiek | 06-02-1977 | |
Duitsland | 05-01-1976 | |
Estland | 30-10-1993 | |
Finland | 15-08-1999 | |
Frankrijk | 18-08-1978 | |
Georgië | 20-11-2011 | |
Griekenland | 05-01-1976 | |
Hongarije | 19-04-2000 | |
Ierland | 01-03-1980 | |
Italië | 26-06-1979 | |
Joegoslavië | 05-01-1976 | |
Kazachstan | 13-01-1996 | |
Kirgistan | 20-02-2022 | |
Kroatië | 08-10-1991 | |
Letland | 13-07-1994 | |
Liechtenstein | 05-05-1997 | |
Litouwen | 30-11-1998 | |
Luxemburg | 16-08-1978 | |
Malta | 23-03-2005 | |
Moldavië | 22-11-1993 | |
Monaco | 14-12-2008 | |
Montenegro | 03-06-2006 | |
het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (het Europese deel van Nederland) | 16-08-1978 | |
Noord-Macedonië | 17-11-1991 | |
Noorwegen | 05-01-1976 | |
Oekraïne | 02-08-2006 | |
Oezbekistan | 20-04-1999 | |
Oostenrijk | 05-01-1976 | |
Polen | 10-01-1993 | |
Portugal | 05-01-1976 | |
Roemenië | 06-06-1995 | |
Russische Federatie | 27-01-1979 | |
San Marino | 21-10-2007 | |
Servië | 27-04-1992 | |
Slovenië | 25-06-1991 | |
Slowakije | 01-01-1993 | |
Spanje | 05-01-1976 | |
Tadzjikistan | 25-06-2012 | |
Tsjechië | 01-01-1993 | |
Tsjechoslowakije | 02-06-1976 | |
Turkije | 15-07-2001 | |
Turkmenistan | 17-03-1997 | |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | 18-08-1978 | |
Zweden | 05-01-1976 | |
Zwitserland | 04-10-2000 |
Voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
1 | Bekrachtiging door de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland onder de verklaring dat de Overeenkomst vanaf de datum van inwerkingtreding voor de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland mede van toepassing zal zijn op Berlijn (West). |
2 | Bekrachtiging door België onder het volgende voorbehoud: Transport operations between member States of the European Economic Community shall be regarded as national transport operations within the meaning of the AETR in so far as such operations do not pass in transit through the territory of a third State which is a contracting party to the AETR. |
3 | Ondertekening door het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden onder de volgende verklaring: The Government of the Netherlands [will] ratify the Agreement only when the law of the European Economic Community conforms with the provisions of the latter. Bekrachtiging door het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden onder het volgende voorbehoud: Transport operations between member States of the European Economic Community shall be regarded as national transport operations within the meaning of the AETR in so far as such operations do not pass in transit through the territory of a third State which is a contracting party to the AETR. Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden heeft op 10-05-2019 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: On 10 May 2019, the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands notified the Secretary-General, pursuant to article 21(2)(b) of the Agreement, that although it intends to accept, for the European part of the Netherlands, the proposed amendment to Article 14 of the AETR, transmitted by C.N.561.2018.TREATIES-XI.B.21 of 16 November 2018, the conditions necessary for such acceptance were not yet fulfilled in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Consequently, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2 to 5 of article 21 of the Agreement, the proposed amendment to the Agreement will be deemed accepted only if before the expiry of a period of nine months following the expiry of a period of six months as indicated in the said article (i.e., by 16 February 2020), the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands has not notified an objection to the proposed amendments. However, if the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands notifies the depositary of its acceptance by 16 February 2020, the amendment will be deemed accepted as from the date as calculated according to the provisions of article 21 (5) (b) of the Agreement. |
4 | De bekrachtiging geschiedde voor het Verenigd Koninkrijk en het eiland Man. Toepasselijkverklaring door het Verenigd Koninkrijk voor Gibraltar vanaf 01-03-2020. |
5 | Toetreding door Spanje onder de volgende voorbehouden: a) The Government of Spain avails itself of the first of the options provided for in article 5, paragraph 1(b) (ii) of the Agreement whereby persons whose age is less than 21 years may be prohibited from driving in the territory vehicles of a permissible maximum weight exceeding 7.5 tons. b) The Government of Spain enters the reservation provided for in article 21, paragraph 1, of the Agreement and accordingly does not consider itself bound by article 20, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Agreement. c) The Government of Spain selects variant (a) of the procedures set forth in paragraph 6 of the Annex entitled ‘Individual Control Book.’ Spanje heeft op 02-10-2020 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: The Permanent Mission of Spain to the United Nations presents its compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and, in his capacity as depositary of the European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport, in view of the extension by the United Kingdom of the application of the said Agreement to the territory of Gibraltar, and taking into account the entry into force of the amendment to its article 14, notifies him of the following declaration approved by the Council of Ministers of the Government of Spain on 22 September 2020:
This declaration is communicated for publication and dissemination in accordance with the depositary practice of the Secretary-General of the United Nations. |
6 | Toetreding door Tsjechoslowakije onder de volgende verklaring: Upon acceding to the Agreement the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic declares, in accordance with its article 21, that it does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 20, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Agreement. The Government of Czechoslovakia considers article 19 of the Agreement to be in contradiction to the generally recognized right of nations to self-determination. |
7 | Toetreding door de Duitse Democratische Republiek onder het volgende voorbehoud: The German Democratic Republic declares, in accordance with article 21, paragraph 1, of the Agreement, that it does not consider itself bound by article 20, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Agreement. (vertaling). |
8 | Toetreding door Denemarken onder het volgende voorbehoud: Transport operations between member States of the European Economic Community shall be regarded as national transport operations within the meaning of the AETR in so far as such operations do not pass in transit through the territory of a third State which is a contracting party to the AETR. |
9 | Toetreding door de Russische Federatie onder het volgende voorbehoud met betrekking tot artikel 20, leden 2 en 3: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics does not consider itself bound by article 20, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR), and states that, for the submission to arbitration of any dispute among the Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of the European Agreement (AETR), the agreement of all of the Parties in dispute shall be required in each individual case, and the arbitrators shall only be persons appointed by general agreement between the Parties in dispute. |
10 | Bij nota van 09-08-1979 heeft de Regering van de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland het volgende voorbehoud gemaakt: Transport operations between member States of the European Economic Community shall be regarded as national transport operations within the meaning of the AETR in so far as such operations do not pass in transit through the territory of a third State which is a contracting party to the AETR. |
11 | Toetreding door Ierland onder het volgende voorbehoud: Transport operations between member States of the European Economic Community shall be regarded as national transport operations within the meaning of the AETR in so far as such operations do not pass in transit through the territory of a third State which is a contracting party to the AETR. |
12 | Bekrachtiging door Polen onder de mededeling dat Polen het bij de ondertekening gemaakte voorbehoud inzake niet-toepassing van artikel 20, tweede en derde lid, van de Overeenkomst niet handhaaft. The Polish Peaople’s Republic considers that the Agreement should be open for participation to all European countries without discrimination. |
13 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Kroatië op 03-08-1992. |
14 | Verklaringen van voortgezette gebondenheid van Kroatië op 03-08-1992, van Slovenië op 06-08-1993, van Bosnië-Herzegowina op 12-01-1994, van Noord-Macedonië op 10-11-1999 en van Servië en Montenegro op 12-03-2001. |
15 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Slowakije op 28-05-1993 onder de door Tsjechoslowakije bij de toetreding gemaakte verklaring. |
16 | Verklaringen van voortgezette gebondenheid van Slowakije op 28-05-1993 en van Tsjechië op 02-06-1993. |
17 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Tsjechië op 02-06-1993 onder de door Tsjechoslowakije bij de toetreding gemaakte verklaring. |
18 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Slovenië op 06-08-1993. |
19 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Bosnië-Herzegowina op 12-01-1994. |
20 | Toetreding door Finland onder de volgende verklaring: Transport operations between member States of the European Economic Community shall be regarded as national transport operations within the meaning of the AETR in so far as such operations do not pass in transit through the territory of a third State which is a contracting party to the AETR. |
21 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Servië en Montenegro op 12-03-2001. |
22 | Toetreding door de Russische Federatie onder het volgende voorbehoud: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics considers it necessary to declare that the provisions of article 19 of the European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR), on the extension by States of the validity of the European Agreement (AETR) to the territories for the international relations of which they are responsible, are outdated and contradict the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) dated 14 December 1960), which proclaimed the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations. |
23 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Noord-Macedonië op 10-11-1999. |
24 | Bekrachtiging door Frankrijk onder het volgende voorbehoud: Transport operations between member States of the European Economic Community shall be regarded as national transport operations within the meaning of the AETR in so far as such operations do not pass in transit through the territory of a third State which is a contracting party to the AETR. |
25 | Bekrachtiging door Luxemburg onder het volgende voorbehoud: Transport operations between member States of the European Economic Community shall be regarded as national transport operations within the meaning of the AETR in so far as such operations do not pass in transit through the territory of a third State which is a contracting party to the AETR. |
26 | Bekrachtiging door Malta onder het volgende voorbehoud: The Government of Malta hereby declares that within the meaning of article 19, paragraph 1, of the Agreement, it does not feel bound by the provisions of article 18, paragraphs 2 and 3 thereof. The Government of Malta declares that transport operations between the Member States of the European Economic Community shall be regarded as national transport operations within the meaning of the AETR in so far as such operations do not pass in transit through the territory of a third State which is a contracting party to the AETR. |
27 | Bekrachtiging door het Verenigd Koninkrijk onder het volgende voorbehoud: Transport operations between member States of the European Economic Community shall be regarded as national transport operations within the meaning of the AETR in so far as such operations do not pass in transit through the territory of a third State which is a contracting party to the AETR. |
28 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Montenegro op 23-10-2006. |
29 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Montenegro op 23-10-2006. |
30 | Toetreding door Monaco onder de volgende verklaring: In accordance with the provisions of article 14 of this Agreement: The Principality of Monaco declared that the accession to the European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles engaged in International Road Transport (AETR) does not affect the validity of the Conventions concluded with the Republic of France. |
31 | Toetreding door Georgië onder de volgende verklaring: The Government of Georgia reserves its right to use measures to be applied during the tolerance period with respect to the implementation of digital tachograph by the Contracting Parties to the European Agreement Concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR) of 1 July 1970, during the two years period after Georgia's accession to the AETR agreement. |