Einde inhoudsopgave
Verdrag inzake het verhaal in het buitenland van uitkeringen tot onderhoud
Partijen en gegevens
Geldend vanaf 25-05-1957
- Redactionele toelichting
De partijen en gegevens zijn afkomstig van de Verdragenbank (verdragenbank.overheid.nl).
- Bronpublicatie:
20-06-1956, Trb. 1957, 121 (uitgifte: 22-08-1957, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
20-06-1956, Trb. 1957, 121 (uitgifte: 22-08-1957, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Vakgebied(en)
Personen- en familierecht / Alimentatie
Internationaal privaatrecht / Internationaal erkennings- en executierecht
Trb. 1957, 121
Trb. 1962, 106
Trb. 1969, 2
Trb. 1970, 31
Trb. 1980, 28
Trb. 1996, 54
Trb. 2014, 88
Partij | Datum inwerkingtreding | Voorbehoud |
Algerije | 10-10-1969 | |
Argentinië | 29-12-1972 | |
Australië | 14-03-1985 | |
Barbados | 18-07-1970 | |
Belarus | 14-12-1996 | |
België | 31-07-1966 | |
Bosnië en Herzegovina | 06-03-1992 | |
Brazilië | 14-12-1960 | |
Burkina Faso | 26-09-1962 | |
Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek | 14-11-1962 | |
Chili | 08-02-1961 | |
Colombia | 10-12-1999 | |
Cyprus | 07-06-1986 | |
Denemarken | 22-07-1959 | |
Duitsland | 19-08-1959 | |
Ecuador | 04-07-1974 | |
Estland | 07-02-1997 | |
Filipijnen | 20-04-1968 | |
Finland | 13-10-1962 | |
Frankrijk | 24-07-1960 | |
Griekenland | 01-12-1965 | |
Guatemala | 25-05-1957 | |
Haïti | 14-03-1958 | |
Heilige Stoel | 04-11-1964 | |
Hongarije | 22-08-1957 | |
Ierland | 25-11-1995 | |
Israël | 25-05-1957 | |
Italië | 27-08-1958 | |
Joegoslavië | 28-06-1959 | |
Kaapverdië | 13-10-1985 | |
Kazachstan | 27-04-2000 | |
Kirgistan | 26-06-2004 | |
Kroatië | 08-10-1991 | |
Liberia | 16-10-2005 | |
Luxemburg | 01-12-1971 | |
Marokko | 25-05-1957 | |
Mexico | 22-08-1992 | |
Moldavië | 23-08-2006 | |
Monaco | 28-07-1961 | |
Montenegro | 03-06-2006 | |
het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (het Europese deel van Nederland) | 25-05-1957 | |
Nieuw-Zeeland | 28-03-1986 | |
Niger | 17-03-1965 | |
Noord-Macedonië | 17-11-1991 | |
Noorwegen | 24-11-1957 | |
Oekraïne | 19-10-2006 | |
Oostenrijk | 15-08-1969 | |
Pakistan | 13-08-1959 | |
Polen | 12-11-1960 | |
Portugal | 24-02-1965 | |
Roemenië | 10-05-1991 | |
Servië | 27-04-1992 | |
Seychellen | 01-12-2004 | |
Slovenië | 25-06-1991 | |
Slowakije | 01-01-1993 | |
Spanje | 05-11-1966 | |
Sri Lanka | 06-09-1958 | |
Suriname | 11-11-1979 | |
Tsjechië | 01-01-1993 | |
Tsjechoslowakije | 02-11-1958 | |
Tunesië | 15-11-1968 | |
Turkije | 02-07-1971 | |
Uruguay | 18-10-1995 | |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | 12-04-1975 | |
Zweden | 31-10-1958 | |
Zwitserland | 04-11-1977 |
Voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
1 | Inwerkingtreding voor Aruba vanaf 01-01-1986 en voor het Caribische deel van Nederland, Curaçao en Sint Maarten vanaf 10-10-2010 |
2 | Bekrachtiging door Israël onder de volgende voorbehouden: Article 5: The Transmitting Agency shall transmit under paragraph 1 any order, final or provisional, and other judicial act, obtained by the claimant for the payment of maintenance in a competent tribunal of Israel, and, where necessary and possible, the record of the proceedings in which such order was made. Article 10: Israel reserves the right:
Voorts legde Israël de volgende verklaring af ter uitvoering van artikel 3, lid 2: Statement of Israel under Article 3 (2).
3 | Bij de toetreding heeft Marokko de volgende verklaring afgelegd: (Translation) ‘In this connexion, I also have the honour to state that the present legislation of Morocco includes two enactments relating to maintenance obligations.
4 | Ratificatie door Zweden onder de volgende verklaringen: Article 1: Sweden reserves the right to reject, where the circumstances of the case under consideration appear to make this necessary, any application for legal support aimed at the recovery of maintenance made by a person who entered Sweden as a political refugee. Article 9: Where the proceedings are pending in Sweden, the exemptions in the payment of costs and the facilities provided in article 9, paragraphs 1 and 2, shall be granted only to nationals of or stateless persons resident in another State Party to this Convention or to any person who would in any case enjoy such advantages under an agreement concluded with the State of which he is a national. Zweden heeft op 11-11-1988 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: Sweden withdraws the reservations made in respect of Article 9, paragraph 2 in the Convention done at New York on 20 June 1956 on the recovering abroad of maintenance, and makes the following limited reservations in respect of paragraph 1 of the same Article: Where the proceedings are pending in Sweden, the exemptions in the payment of costs and the facilities provided in paragraph 1 shall be granted only to persons resident in a State Party to the Convention or to any person who would otherwise enjoy such advantages under an agreement concluded with the State of which he is a national. De intrekking heeft effect gekregen op 11-11-1988. |
5 | Bekrachtiging door de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland met inbegrip van het ‘Land’ Berlijn. |
6 | Bij de bekrachtiging werd overeenkomstig artikel 12 verklaard, dat het Verdrag van toepassing is op de gebieden van de Franse Republiek, te weten de in het moederland gelegen departementen, de departementen van Algerië, de departementen van de Oasen en van Saoura, de departementen Guadeloupe, Frans-Guyana, Martinique en Réunion en de overzeese gebieden (St. Pierre en Miquelon, Frans-Somaliland, de Comoren, Nieuw-Caledonië en onderhorigheden en Frans-Polynesië), en voorts dat de toepassing bij een latere kennisgeving kan worden uitgebreid tot de andere Staten der Franse Gemeenschap of tot een of meer dier Staten. Buitenwerkingtreding voor de Comoren vanaf 06-07-1975 en voor Djibouti vanaf 27-06-1977 |
7 | Bij de bekrachtiging door het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden werd het volgende voorbehoud gemaakt: Le Gouvernement du Royaume se réserve, pour ce qui concerne l'article 1er de la Convention, que le recouvrement des aliments ne soit pas facilité en vertu de cet article si, lorsque le créancier et le débiteur se trouvent tous les deux aux Pays-Bas, respectivement au Surinam, aux Antilles Néerlandaises ou en Nouvelle Guinée Néerlandaise, et qu'en vertu de la Loi sur l'Assistance des Pauvres une aide ou un arrangement analogue sont accordés, aucun recouvrement n'était en général récuperé pour cette aide sur le débiteur, eu égard aux circonstances du cas en question With regard to Article 1 of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands reserves the right not to facilitate the recovery of maintenance under this article if the claimant and the respondent are both in the territory of the Netherlands, Suriname, the Netherlands Antilles or Dutch New Guinea, and are receiving benefit or the equivalent under the Social Assistance Act, and if maintenance is normally not recovered from respondents in this situation, having regard to the circumstances of the case. Bij gelegenheid van de aanbieding der akte heeft de Permanent Vertegenwoordiger van Nederland bij de Verenigde Naties aan de Secretaris-Generaal dier Organisatie schriftelijk verklaard, dat, indien de toepassing van het Verdrag te eniger tijd zou worden uitgebreid tot een buiten Europa gelegen deel van het Koninkrijk, in de desbetreffende kennisgeving die voorbehouden kunnen zijn vervat die voor een dergelijk Rijksdeel gemaakt dienen te worden. De Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden heeft op 12-08-1969 ter kennis van de Secretaris-Generaal van de Verenigde Naties gebracht, dat de bepalingen van het Verdrag overeenkomstig artikel 12 van toepassing zullen zijn op de Nederlandse Antillen, daarbij verklarende dat het door de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden bij de nederlegging der akte van bekrachtiging gemaakte voorbehoud met betrekking tot artikel 1 eveneens voor de Nederlandse Antillen geldt. Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden heeft op 08-07-2011 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: With regard to Article 1 of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands reserves the right not to facilitate the recovery of maintenance under this article if the claimant and the respondent are both in the territory of the European part of the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten and the Caribbean part of the Netherlands (the islands of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba), and are receiving benefit or the equivalent under the Social Assistance Act, and if maintenance is normally not recovered from respondents in this situation, having regard to the circumstances of the case. |
8 | Toetreding door Polen onder de volgende verklaring: The person authorized to file a claim on a maintenance obligation against a respondent residing abroad, can deposit an application on this subject, accompanied by the respective explanatory documents, as provided in Article 3 paragraph 4 of the Convention, in the County Court of his residence. The County Court will transmit this application to the Ministry of Justice for further consideration. The County Courts will not impose any charges for the functions connected with the acceptance of applications and their enclosures, in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the Convention. |
9 | Ter uitvoering van artikel 3, lid 2, van het Verdrag, heeft de Filippijnse Regering de volgende verklaring gericht tot de Secretaris-Generaal der Verenigde Naties: Basis of Claim: Proof of relationship
How law to be proved SEC. 20. Public and private writings. — The following writings are public:
SEC. 2. An instrument or document acknowledged and authenticated in a foreign country shall be considered authentic if the acknowledgment and authentication are made in accordance with the following requirements:
If the private writing or agreement is not executed in the manner above-mentioned, then its due execution and authenticity must have to be proved either:
In addition to said private writing or agreement, proof or evidence of the law of the country or state of the respondent should be submitted. (see par. 3, Supra). In the event that parol evidence or testimony of witness becomes necessary in the course of the court action, same could be obtained by deposition or by written interrogatories or both. The pertinent rules of court of the Philippines governing their use and manner of preparation are herewith attached as Appendix ‘1’. Attached also [in this letter] is the form of a Special Power of Attorney to be executed by the claimant in favor of the Receiving Agent as provided in section 3, Article 3 of the Convention. APPENDIX ‘1’ Additional Evidence During Pendency of Action: How Obtained: In the event additional evidence becomes necessary in the course of action in court, same will be obtained either by deposition or by written interrogatories, or both, and the following are the pertinent provisions of Rule 24 of the Philippine Revised Rules of Court on the matter: Section 1. Depositions pending action, when may be taken. By leave of court after jurisdiction has been obtained over any defendant or over property which is the subject of the action, or without such leave after an answer has been served, the testimony of any person, whether a party or not, may be taken, at the instance of any party, by deposition upon oral examination or written interrogatories. The attendance of witnesses may be compelled by the use of a subpoena as provided in Rule 23. Depositions shall be taken only in accordance with these rules. The deposition of a person confined in prison may be taken only by leave of court on such terms as the court prescribes. Section 11. Persons before whom depositions may be taken in foreign countries. In a foreign state or country, depositions shall be taken (a) on notice before a secretary of embassy or legation, consul general, consul, vice-consul, or consular agent of the Republic of the Philippines, or (b) before such person or officer as may be appointed by commission or under letters rogatory. Section 12. Commission or letters rogatory. A commission or letters rogatory shall be issued only when necessary or convenient, on application and notice, and on such terms and with such directions as are just and appropriate. Officers may be designated in notices or commissions either by name or descriptive title and letters rogatory may be addressed ‘To the Appropriate Judicial Authority in (here name the country).’. Section 13. Disqualification by interest. No deposition shall be taken before a person who is a relative within the sixth degree of consanguinity or affinity, or employee or attorney of any of the parties; or who is a relative within the same degree, or employee of such attorney; or who is financially interested in the action. Section 14. Stipulations regarding taking of deposition. If the parties so stipulate in writing, depositions may be taken before any person authorized to administer oaths, at any time or place, upon any notice, and in any manner, and when so taken may be used like other depositions. Section 15. Deposition upon oral examinations; notice; time and place. A party desiring to take the deposition of any person upon oral examination shall give reasonable notice in writing to every other party to the action. The notice shall state the time and place for taking the deposition and the name and address of each person to be examined, if known, and if the name is not known, a general description sufficient to identify him or the particular class or group to which he belongs. On motion of any party upon whom the notice is served, the court may for cause shown enlarge or shorten the time. Section 17. Record of examination; oath; objections. The officer before whom the deposition is to be taken shall put the witness on oath and shall personally, or by some one acting under his direction and in his presence, record the testimony of the witness. The testimony shall be taken stenographically unless the parties agree otherwise. All objections made at the time of the examination to the qualifications of the officer taking the deposition, or to the manner of taking it, or to the evidence presented, or to the conduct of any party, and any other objection to the proceedings, shall be noted by the officer upon the deposition. Evidence objected to shall be taken subject to the objections. In lieu of participating in the oral examination, parties served with notice of taking a deposition may transmit written interrogatories to the officers, who shall propound them to the witness and record the answers verbatim. Section 19. Submission to witness; changes; signing. When the testimony is fully transcribed the deposition shall be submitted to the witness for examination and shall be read to or by him, unless such examination and reading are waived by the witness and by the parties. Any changes in form or substance which the witness desires to make shall be entered upon the deposition by the officer with a statement of the reasons given by the witness for making them. The deposition shall then be signed by the witness, unless the parties by stipulation waive the signing or the witness is ill or cannot be found or refuses to sign. If the deposition is not signed by the witness, the officer shall sign it and state on the record the fact of the waiver or of the illness or absence of the witness or the fact of the refusal to sign together with the reason, if any, given therefor; and the deposition may then be used as fully as though signed, unless on a motion to suppress under section 29(f) of this rule, the court holds that the reasons given for the refusal to sign require rejection of the deposition in whole or in part. Section 20. Certification and filing by officer. The officer shall certify on the deposition that the witness was duly sworn to by him and that the deposition is a true record of the testimony given by the witness. He shall then securely seal the deposition in an envelope indorsed with the title of the action and marked ‘Deposition of (here insert name of witness)’ and shall promptly file it with the court in which the action is pending or send it by registered mail to the clerk thereof for filing. Section 21. Notice of filing. The officer taking the deposition shall give prompt notice of its filing to all the parties. Section 25. Deposition upon written interrogatories; service of notice and of interrogatories. — A party desiring to take the deposition of any person upon written interrogatories shall serve them upon every other party with a notice stating the name and address of the person who is to answer them and the name or descriptive title and address of the officer before whom the deposition is to be taken. Within ten (10) days thereafter a party so served may serve cross-interrogatories upon the party proposing to take the deposition. Within five (5) days thereafter the latter may serve re-direct interrogatories upon a party who has served cross-interrogatories. Within three (3) days after being served with re-direct interrogatories, a party may serve recross-interrogatories upon the party proposing to take the deposition. Section 26. Officers to take responses and prepare record. A copy of the notice and copies of all interrogatories served shall be delivered by the party taking the deposition to the officer designated in the notice, who shall proceed promptly, in the manner provided by sections 17, 19 and 20 of this rule, to take the testimony of the witness in response to the interrogatories and to prepare, certify, and file or mail the deposition, attaching thereto the copy of the notice and the interrogatories received by him. Section 27. Notice of filing and furnishing copies. When a deposition upon interrogatories is filed, the officer taking it shall promptly give notice thereof to all the parties, and may furnish copies to them or to the deponent upon payment of reasonable charges therefor. Section 29. Effect of errors and irregularities in depositions.
APPENDIX ‘2’ Special power of Attorney KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, …, of legal age, single/married to … and a resident of … do hereby appoint, name and constitute the Solicitor General of the Philippines to be my true and lawful attorney in my name and in my behalf, to do and execute all or any of the following acts, deeds and things, namely:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature in the presence of my two uninterested witnesses this … day of …, 1968 in … … Grantor or Trustee… SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: … … Acknowledgment Before me a notary public for and in … (place) … personally appeared … known to me and to me known to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he signed each and every page of the document in the presence of his two witinstrumental witnesses who also signed each and every page of the instrument, and that the foregoing instrument, which consists of … pages including this page on which this acknowledgment is written, is his (or her) free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal (if any) this … day of …, 196…, in the … NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires … Doc. No. … Page No. … Book No. … Series of … Authentification (See contents of authentification in letter) |
10 | Ter uitvoering van artikel 3, lid 2, van het Verdrag, heeft de Belgische Regering de volgende verklaring gericht tot de Secretaris-Generaal der Verenigde Naties: Outre les éléments prévus à l'article 3, paragraphe 4, de la Convention, il conviendra que le créancier fasse connaître le montant de sa demande et y joigne des documents officiels établissant les liens de famille et les charges familiales ainsi qu'une procuration qui autorise l'Institution intermédiaire à agir en son nom ou à désigner une personne habilitée à agir de même. Cette procuration devra, également, stipuler:
Les renseignements visés devront être fournis suivant le modèle qui est joint en annexe. En ce qui concerne les documents justificatifs de l'indigence en vue de l'assistance judiciaire et de la procédure gratuite, il convient de s'en référer à l'Article 39 de la loi du 29 juin 1929 sur l'assistance judiciaire et la procédure gratuite, qui est libellé comme suit: ‘Le requérant résidant à l'étranger fait parvenir sa demande en double au bureau ou au juge, en joignant les documents justificatifs de son indigence tels qu'ils sont exigés par la loi du pays où il réside. Si dans ce pays aucune loi ne règle la matière, ou s'il n'est pas possible de se conformer à la loi qui y est en vigueur, il joint à sa demande une déclaration affirmée devant l'agent consulaire belge du lieu de sa résidence; cette déclaration contient l'indication de la résidence du requérant et l'énumération détaillée de ses moyens d'existence et de ses charges. ROYAUME DE BELGIQUE Ministère de la Justice Bruxelles (Belgique) Convention sur le recouvrement des aliments à l'étranger, faite à New-York, le 20 juin 1956. Procuration Je soussigné (nom, prénoms, profession) … demeurant à … donne pouvoir à M. l'avocat (i) … notamment en vue de: après avoir sollicité s'il y a lieu le bénéfice de l'assistance judiciaire gratuite,
Ainsi dressé à le (signature) Légalisation de la signature ci-dessus’ |
11 | Ter uitvoering van artikel 3, lid 2, van het Verdrag, heeft de Spaanse Regering de volgende verklaring gericht tot de Secretaris-Generaal der Verenigde Naties: ‘In Spanish law there are two types of procedure which may be used in connection with a maintenance action:
(V.N.-vertaling) |
12 | Toetreding door Tunesië onder de volgende verklaringen:
Polen heeft op 05-02-1969 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door Tunesië bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring: The Government of the Polish People’s Republic wishes to express its objection, in accordance with article 17, paragraph 1, of the said Convention, to the first two reservations made by the Government of Tunisia in its instrument of accession. |
13 | Ter uitvoering van artikel 3, lid 2, van het Verdrag, heeft de Tunesische Regering bij de toetreding de volgende verklaring afgelegd: Le demandeur doit établir le rapport juridique qui existerait entre le défendeur et lui-même. Dans la majorité des cas il s'agira de liens nés du mariage ou de la filiation qui se prouvent soit par des actes de l'état civil, soit par un jugement. En dehors du mariage ou de la filiation, l'obligation alimentaire peut avoir sa source dans un engagement volontaire qui peut être un acte sous seing privé. |
14 | Ter uitvoering van artikel 3, lid 2, van het Verdrag heeft de Braziliaanse Regering de volgende verklaring gericht tot de Secretaris-Generaal van de Verenigde Naties: Act No. 5, 478 of 25 July 1968 concerning actions for maintenance and other provisions I, the President of the Republic, Hereby announce that the National Congress decrees, and I approve, the following Act: Artikel 1 Actions for maintenance shall be governed by a special procedure, independently of any prior allocation of the case or prior granting of free legal aid.
Artikel 2 The claimant, either in person or through counsel, shall address himself to the competent judge, identify himself and explain his needs; he must establish only the relationship or obligation to provide maintenance of the debtor, indicating his Christian name and surname, residence or place of work, profession, nationality and approximate income or available resources.
Artikel 3 Claims shall be submitted in writing, in triplicate, and must indicate the judge to whom they are addressed, and contain the information specified in the preceding article and a summary of the facts.
Artikel 4 When the claim is filed, the judge shall immediately determine provisional payments to be paid by the respondent, unless the claimant expressly states that they are unnecessary. Sole paragraph. If provisional maintenance is requested by a spouse married under the regime of common marital estate, the judge shall also determine that a portion of the cash income from the joint property administered by the respondent shall be paid monthly to the claimant. Artikel 5 Within forty-eight (48) hours, the court clerk shall transmit to the respondent the second copy of the claim or deposition, together with a copy of the decision of the judge and notification of the date and time of the hearing.
Artikel 6 The claimant and respondent must be present at the hearing at which the settlement is reached or judgement given, regardless of whether their representatives have been informed or appear. Artikel 7 If the claimant fails to appear, the claim shall be filed; absence of the respondent shall be deemed to constitute contempt of court in addition to admission of guilt. Artikel 8 The claimant and respondent shall appear at the hearing accompanied by their witnesses, of whom there shall be not more than three (3), and shall submit any further testimony at that time. Artikel 9 At the hearing, after the claim or deposition and the answer, if any, have been read, or after reading has been waived, the judge shall hear the parties to the dispute and the representative of the Ministério Público, who shall propose a settlement.
Artikel 10 The hearing shall be continuous, but if it is impossible for reasons of force majeure, to conclude it on the same day, the judge shall set the first free day for its continuation, whether or not further notification is given. Artikel 11 After the preliminary examination, the parties and the Ministério Público may make final statements, each lasting no more than ten (10) minutes. Sole paragraph. The judge shall then repeat the proposal for a settlement; if the settlement is not accepted, he shall pronounce his decision, which shall include a brief summing up of the hearing. Artikel 12 The parties shall be informed of the decision either personally or through their representatives at the hearing itself or, if absent, when notified of the hearing. Artikel 13 The provisions of this Act shall apply, so far as appropriate, to ordinary actions for separation, or for the dissolution or annulment of the marriage bond, to the review of decisions on claims for maintenance and to the execution of such decisions.
Artikel 14 The final decision of the judge, including decisions on separate proceedings, shall be subject to appeal in respect of the substance of the case. Artikel 15 Judicial decisions on maintenance shall not be irrevocable and may be reviewed at any time if there is a change in the financial circumstances of the interested parties. Artikel 16 The provisions of article 919 and sole paragraph of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply in the execution of any decision or settlement in actions for maintenance. Artikel 17 When it is impossible to carry out the decision or settlement by means of payroll deductions, the payments may be collected from rent from properties or from any other income of the respondent, which shall be paid directly to the claimant or to a trustee appointed by the judge. Artikel 18 If, in these circumstances, it remains impossible to discharge maintenance obligations, the judge shall apply the provisions of article 920 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Artikel 19 The judge, in his preliminary examination of the case or in the execution of the decision or settlement, may take any measures necessary to inform himself of the facts or to implement the decision or settlement; such measures may include sentencing the respondent to up to sixty (60) days' imprisonment. 1. Article 921 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Legislative Decree No. 1, 608, of 18 September 1939) shall apply as follows: Art. 921. Completion of the full term of imprisonment shall not exempt the debtor from the obligation to pay the maintenance then due and unpaid or coming due. 2. The decision to sentence the respondent to prison shall be subject to appeal. 3. Article 843, paragraph 2, of the Code of Civil Procedure (Legislative Decree No. 1, 608, of 18 September 1939), shall apply as follows: 2. In the cases provided for in sub-paragraph VI, except in the case of decisions relating to claims for or payment of maintenance, and in subparagraphs XI en XVII, the judge shall suspend the proceedings if it is impossible to suspend only the execution of the decision. Artikel 20 Government offices, civil or military, including the Income Tax Bureau, shall provide all information necessary for the proceedings referred to in this Act for the execution of the decision or settlement reached in court. Artikel 21 Article 244 of the Criminal Code shall apply as follows: Art. 244. Failure, without good and sufficient cause, to provide support for a spouse, for a child under eighteen years of age or unfit for work, or for a disabled or infirm ascendant, by withholding of the necessary funds or by defaulting on the payment of maintenance which has been agreed, determined or increased by law, or failure, without good and sufficient cause, to aid a seriously ill descendant or ascendant, shall be punishable as follows: Penalty: One (1) to four (4) years' detention and a fine of from one to ten times the highest minimum wage in effect in the country. Sole paragraph. The same penalties shall be applicable to any solvent person who in any way whatsoever, including unjustified abandonment of his employment or post, prevents or evades the payment of maintenance which has been agreed, determined or increased by law. Artikel 22 Failure on the part of an employer or an official in the public employ to provide the competent court with the information necessary for examining the case or executing the decision or settlement in respect of maintenance shall constitute the offence of obstruction of the due process of law. Penalty: Six (6) months’ to one (1) year's detention without prejudice to the accessory penalty of thirty (30) to ninety (90) days’ suspension from employment. Sole paragraph. The same penalties shall be applicable to any person who, in any way whatsoever, aids and abets the respondent in evading the payment of maintenance agreed, determined or increased bij law, or who refuses to carry out or delays in carrying out an order from the competent judge to make payroll deductions. Artikel 23 The five-year limitation referred to in article 178, paragraph 10, subparagraph I, of the Civil Code shall apply only to monthly payments, but not to the entitlement to maintenance, which, although irrevocable, may be temporarily waived. Artikel 24 Any person who is responsible for the support of a family and who must leave the common domicile for any reason, which need not be specified, may take the initiative of notifying the judge of his income and requesting that the claimant be summoned to appear at the hearing held in order to determine, by settlement or decision, the maintenance he will be required to provide. Artikel 25 Payment in kind, as provided for in article 403 of the Civil Code may be authorized by the judge only when agreed to by the claimant. Artikel 26 The federal court of the capital of the Brazilian Federal Unit in which the respondent resides shall be competent in the case of actions for maintenance resulting from the application of Legislative Decree No. 10 of 13 November 1958 and Decree No. 56,826 of 2 September 1965; for the purposes of these Decrees, the Office of the Procurador-Geral da República shall be deemed to be the transmitting agency. Sole paragraph. Under article 2, paragraph 3, of the Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance, the Government of Brazil shall promptly communicate to the Secretary-General of the United Nations the provisions of this article. Artikel 27 The provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure shall also apply to proceedings governed by this Act. Artikel 28 This Act shall enter into force thirty (30) days after its publication. Artikel 29 All provisions inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. (Vertaling) |
15 | Ter uitvoering van artikel 3, lid 2, van het Verdrag heeft de Regering van de Filippijnen de volgende verklaring gericht tot de Secretaris-Generaal van de Verenigde Naties: Evidence normally required under Philippine law in connection with maintenance claims — United Nations Convention of 20 June 1956 In accordance with the provisions of article 3, paragraph 2, of the Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance, done at New York on 20 June 1956, the following information is transmitted as to the requirements of Philippine law for the proof of maintenance claims: There are no special provisions in the Rules of Court of the Philippines pertaining to actions for support, except Rule 61 which refers to actions for ‘support pendente lite’. Rule 61 provides as follows: SEC. 1. Application. — The plaintiff, at the commencement of the proper action, or at any time afterwards but prior to final judgment, may file an application for support pendente lite, stating the grounds for the claim and the financial conditions of both parties, and shall be accompanied by affidavits, depositions or other authentic documents in support thereof. SEC. 2. Notice. — Notice of the application shall be served upon the adverse party who shall have three (3) days to answer, unless a different period of time is fixed by the court. SEC. 3. Answer. — The answer shall be in writing and accompanied by affidavits, depositions or other authentic documents supporting the same. SEC. 4. Hearing. — After the answer is filed, or after the expiration of the time for its filing, a day will be set for hearing. The facts in issue shall be proved in the same manner as is provided in connection with motions. SEC. 5. Order. — The court shall determine provisionally the pertinent facts, and shall render such order as equity and justice may require, having due regards to the necessities of the applicant, the means of the adverse party, the probable outcome of the case, and such other circumstances as may aid in the proper elucidation of the question involved. If the application is granted the court shall fix the amount of money to be provisionally paid, and the terms of payment. If the application is denied, the trial of the principal case on its merits shall be held as early as possible. SEC. 6. Enforcement of order. — If defendant fails to comply with an order granting support pendente lite, he must be ordered to show cause why he should not be punished for contempt. Should the defendant appear to have means to pay support and refuse to pay, either an order of execution may be issued or a penalty for contempt may be imposed, or both. The principal action for support will be governed by the rules of procedure or ordinary civil actions. The following provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines (Republic Act No. 386) are also pertinent: Artikel 290 Support is everything that is indispensable for sustenance, dwelling, clothing and medical attendance, according to the social position of the family. Support also includes the education of the person entitled to be supported until he completes his education or training for some profession, trade or vocation, even beyond the age of majority. Artikel 291 The following are obliged to support each other to the whole extent set forth in the preceding article:
Brothers and sisters owe their legitimate and natural brothers and sisters, although they are only of the half-blood, the necessaries for life, when by a physical or mental defect, or any other cause not imputable to the recipients the latter cannot secure their subsistence. This assistance includes, in a proper case, expenses necessary for elementary education and for professional or vocational training. Artikel 294 The claim for support, when proper and two or more persons are obliged to give it, shall be made in the following order:
Among descendants and ascendants the order in which they are called to the intestate succession of the person who has a right to claim support shall be observed. Artikel 295 When the obligation to give support falls upon two or more persons, the payment of the same shall be divided between them in proportion to the resources of each. However, in case of urgent need and by special circumstances the judge may order only one of them to furnish the support provisionally, without prejudice to his right to claim from the other obligors the share due from them. When two or more recipients at the same time claim support from one and the same person legally obliged to give it, and the latter should not have sufficient means to satisfy all, the order established in the preceding article shall be followed, unless the concurrent obligees should be the spouse and a child subject to parental authority, in which case the latter shall be preferred. Artikel 296 The amount of support, in the cases referred to in the five numbers of article 291, shall be in proportion to the resources or means of the giver and to the necessities of the recipient. Artikel 298 The obligation to give support shall be demandable from the time the person who has a right to receive the same needs it for maintenance, but it shall not be paid except from the date it is extrajudicially demanded. Payment shall be made monthly in advance, and when the recipient dies, his heirs shall not be obliged to return what he has received in advance. Artikel 300 The obligation to furnish support ceases upon the death of the obligor, even if he may be found to give it in compliance with a final judgment. |
16 | Ter uitvoering van artikel 3, lid 2, van het Verdrag heeft de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden de volgende verklaring gericht tot de Secretaris-Generaal van de Verenigde Naties: Artikel 158 Les époux se doivent mutuellement fidélité, secours, assistance. Ils sont obligés de se procurer le nécessaire l'un à l'autre. Artikel 280 Si l'époux, sur la demande duquel le divorce a été prononcé, n'a pas de revenus suffisants pour assurer sa subsistance, le tribunal pourra lui accorder, sur les biens de l'autre époux, une pension alimentaire. Artikel 301 Les dispositions des articles 265 jusqu'à 275 et 277 jusqu'à 283, ainsi que l'article 286, s'appliquent également à la séparation de corps qui aura été demandée par l'un des deux époux vis-à-vis de l'autre. Artikel 344 Le père d'un enfant naturel et désavoué est tenu de pourvoir, pendant la minorité de cet enfant, à l'entretien et à l'éducation de cet enfant à proportion de ses facultés. Si l'enfant, à l'âge de sa majorité, n'est pas en mesure de s'entretenir pour des raisons de déficience psychique ou physique, le père conservera l'obligation de son entretien. Les mêmes obligations reposent sur la mère lorsque l'enfant est né d'un commerce adultérin ou incestueux: les deuxième, troisième et quatrième alinéas de l'article 341 sont applicables. Artikel 344a L'action basée sur le premier alinéa de l'article précédent est intentée auprès du tribunal d'arrondissement de la résidence de l'enfant, de la mère ou du défendeur; elle se prescrit dans les cinq années qui suivent le jour de la naissance de l'enfant. Le conseil pour la protection des enfants est également compétent pour intenter l'action, basée sur le premier alinéa de l'article précédent, et pour faire appel d'un jugement rendu à une telle action qui a été intentée par le tuteur. Le conseil a besoin de l'autorisation de la mère pour intenter l'action, à moins que celle-là ne puisse déclarer sa volonté. Si la mère est mineure, l'autorisation de son représentant légal est requise. Artikel 344b En cas d'assignation de l'action, le père est condamné à une allocation hebdomadaire, mensuelle ou trimestrielle. Si possible, les garanties qu'il doit assurer pour cette allocation sont fixées. Le père peut aussi être condamné au paiement immédiat d'une somme, s'il y a des raisons à ce sujet. Aucune allocation n'est due pour la période qui est antérieure de plus de cinq ans au moment de l'instance de l'action. Artikel 344c Le père d'un enfant naturel et désavoué est tenu — même si cet enfant est mort-né — de rembourser à la mère les frais de son accouchement et de son entretien pendant les six semaines qui suivent l'accouchement. Le dédommagement de ces frais est fixé par le juge selon toute équité et selon les usages locaux. L'action est intentée auprès du tribunal d'arrondissement de la résidence de la mère, de l'enfant ou du défendeur. Le droit d'action expire un an après le jour de l'accouchement. Artikel 344d Celui qui a reconnu son obligation visée par l'article 344 et 344c peut être condamné par le tribunal, à tout stade de la procédure à verser une allocation provisoire pendant le cours du procès, sans préjudice de la possibilité, en cas d'urgence immédiate, de réclamer une allocation provisoire dans une instance en référé devant le président. Artikel 344e Est présumé père d'un enfant désavoué celui qui, entre le 301-ème et le 179-ème jour avant la naissance, a cohabité avec la mère. L'action intentée contre lui en vertu des articles 344 ou 344c est toutefois rejetée:
Artikel 344f La preuve de la paternité n'est pas liée à un moyen particulier. La preuve contraire peut se faire par tous les moyens. Le serment décisoire ne peut pas être demandé. L'article 1961 n'est pas applicable. La mère qui, en tant que tutrice de son enfant, intente contre le père de cet enfant l'action visée à l'article 344, peut néanmoins être entendue comme témoin. Avant de clore une action par une décision finale en vertu de l'article 344, premier alinéa, le juge entend le conseil pour la protection des enfants qu'il peut faire convoquer à tout stade de la procédure. La convocation est faite par le greffier et par écrit, à moins que le juge n'ordonne un autre mode de convocation. Les audiences et les plaidoiries sont tenues à huis clos. Le jugement a lieu en audience publique. Artikel 344g L'allocation ou la somme à payer immédiatement, visés à l'article 344b, sont versées en faveur de l'enfant au conseil pour la protection des enfants. Artikel 344h Si une mère ne satisfait pas convenablement à l'obligation que spécifie l'article 344, troisième alinéa, l'article 468 s'applique. Artikel 344i Lorsque le père ou la mère visés à l'article 344 ont des héritiers, ceux-ci ne peuvent être obligés, pour ce qui concerne l'entretien de l'enfant après le décès du légataire, qu'à payer immédiatement une somme qui ne dépassera pas la part légitime à laquelle l'enfant aurait eu droit en tant qu'enfant naturel et reconnu. Le tribunal fixe ce montant sur la demande de l'enfant ou du conseil pour la protection des enfants. Sous peine de forclusion, la demande doit être présentée dans l'année qui suit le décès du père ou de la mère. De plus, les articles 344a et 344d s'appliquent de façon analogue. Artikel 463 Chacun est obligé d'entretenir ses parents en ligne droite qui sont dans le besoin. Artikel 464 Les gendres et les belles-filles sont obligés d'entretenir leurs beaux-parents qui sont dans le besoin; cette obligation est réciproque. Cette obligation n'existe pas:
Artikel 467 Les parents sont obligés, à proportion de leurs facultés, de pourvoir à l'entretien et à l'éducation de leurs enfants mineurs. |
17 | Bij de bekrachtiging heeft de Regering van Oostenrijk het volgende medegedeeld: Pursuant to article 2 of the above-mentioned Convention, the Government of Austria has designated the District Court (Bezirksgericht) exercising judicial jurisdiction in civil law matters in whose territory the claimant has his permanent residence, or, if he has none in the country, his actual residence to act in its territory as Transmitting Agency. In Vienna, the District Court of the Inner City of Vienna is designated as Transmitting Agency for Districts I thro ugh XX, the District Court of Floridsdorf for Districts XXI and XXII and the District Court of Liesing for District XXIII. The Federal Ministry of Justice is designated as Receiving Agency. |
18 | Ter uitvoering van artikel 3, lid 2, van het Verdrag heeft de Oostenrijkse Regering het volgende aan de Secretaris-Generaal van de Verenigde Naties ter informatie medegedeeld:
Annex Artikel 272. Code of Civil Procedure, Article 272 (1) Unless this law provides otherwise, the court, while carefully considering the results of the hearing and of the submission of evidence, shall be free to follow its persuasion in making an assessment as to whether or not a factual statement is to be considered as true. (2) In particular, the court shall proceed in the same manner in making a ruling as to the way in which the assessment of the case is affected by any party's refusal to answer questions put to that party by the president of the tribunal or with his or the tribunal's permission. (3) The circumstances and considerations which were decisive for the court's persuasion shall be stated in the summary of reasons attached to the court's decision. Artikel 292. Code of Civil Procedure, Article 292 (1) Documents made out inside the area of territorial operation of this law by a public authority within the confines of its official powers, or by a person authorised to make public attestations within the sphere of activity attributed to him, in the prescribed form (public documents) shall establish full proof of what the authority officially decrees or declares therein, or of what the authority or the attestant testifies therein. The same shall apply to documents made out outside the area of territorial operation of this law but within the confines of their official powers by public organs subordinate to an authority which has its seat inside the area of territorial operation of this law. (2) A proof of the untruth of the event or fact testified to or of incorrect attestation is admissible. Artikel 293. Code of Civil Procedure, Article 293 (1) Other documents which are declared public documents under special legal provisions shall have the same probative value. (2) Documents made outside the area of territorial operation of this law, and which are deemed to be public documents at the place where they have been made out, shall have the probative value of public documents inside the area of territorial operation of this law, under the proviso of reciprocity, if they show the prescribed authentications. Artikel 294. Code of Civil Procedure, Article 294 Private documents, provided they show the signatures of the persons making them out, or their marks as attested by a court or a notary public, shall establish full proof that the statements contained therein originated with the persons who made out such documents. Artikel 310. Code of Civil Procedure, Article 310 (1) Documents which on the grounds of their form and content appear to be public documents shall be presumed to be authentic. (2) Where the court considers the authenticity of a document to be doubtful, it may on application by a party or ex officio require a statement concerning the authenticity of the document from the authority or person presumed to have made out the document. Where doubts as to the authenticity of the document cannot be removed in this way, the onus of proof of its authenticity shall lie with the party who wants to use such document as evidence. Artikel 311. Code of Civil Procedure, Article 311 (1) Whether or not a document which appears to have been made out by a foreign authority or a person abroad authorised to make public attestations is to be considered authentic without further proof, shall be decided by the court at its discretion with due regard to the circumstances of the case. (2) Unless special regulations provide otherwise, attestation by the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs or an Austrian minister plenipotentiary or consul shall be sufficient to prove the authenticity of such a document. Artikel 312. Code of Civil Procedure, Article 312 (1) The authenticity of a private document shall be regarded as uncontested where the opponent of the party submitting evidence has failed to comment on the authenticity of the document, unless the opponent's intention to contest its authenticity is apparent from his other statements. Where a document contains a signature, the opponent of the party submitting evidence shall also comment on the authenticity of the signature, subject to the same legal effect. (2) The burden of proof of the contested authenticity of a private document or a signature contained therein shall lie with the party who wants to use the document as evidence. Artikel 79. Rules of Execution, Article 79 The enforcement or performance of particular acts of enforcement based on deeds and documents, which are not included in the subjects of execution, referred to in Article 2 (i) , but which have been made outside the area of the territorial operation of this law and are enforceable according to the law in force where they were made, may take place within the area of the territorial operation of this law only and to the extent that reciprocity is ensured by international treaties or by governmental notices in this matter published in the Federal Law Gazette. Artikel 63. Code of Civil Procedure, Article 63 (1) (1) (ii) A person who is unable to meet the costs of an action without impairing his and his family's necessary livelihood shall be entitled to legal aid, unless the intended legal action or defence appears to be evidently wanton or hopeless (pauper party). In particular, an action is to be regarded as wanton where a party not applying for legal aid, after reasonable examination of the circumstances of the case, and in particular of the prospects for recovering his claim, would refrain from bringing a suit, or would only assert part of his claim. Federal Law of 22nd January, 1969, for the Implementation of the Convention of 20th June, 1956, on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance (see No. 918 of the Annexes to the Verbatim Report of the National Assembly, 11th Legislative Period). |
19 | Toetreding door Algerije onder het volgende voorbehoud: The Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 16 of the Convention concerning the competence of the International Court of Justice and affirms that the agreement of all the parties concerned is required in each case before a dispute can be brought before the International Court of Justice. |
20 | Ter uitvoering van artikel 3, lid 2, van het Verdrag heeft de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden de volgende verklaring gericht tot de Secretaris-Generaal van de Verenigde Naties: The text of the provisions of the Civil Code of the Netherlands Antilles concerning maintenance Artikel 152 Husband and wife shall be faithful to each other, and help and assist each other. Artikel 153 Husband and wife pledge to each other, by the simple fact of their marriage, to maintain and to educate their children. Artikel 156 The husband is obliged to receive his wife in his home. He shall protect her and give her, according to his social status and financial means, whatever she needs. Artikel 242 The wife is, notwithstanding separation of estates, obliged to contribute, proportionally to her means and to those of her husband, towards the cost of the household and the education of the children that she has borne by him. If the husband is without means, all costs must be borne by the wife alone. Artikel 255b When a court of first instance pronounces the dissolution of a marriage (after 5 years’ separation from bed and board) or a change has taken place within the meaning of Article 255, third paragraph (i) , it may, if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the parent not entrusted with the guardianship will not contribute adequately to the maintenance and education of the minor children, make an order as provided for in Article 279b in the manner and with the consequences as laid down in that Article. Where no such order has been made, the court of guardianship may sue at law for maintenance when the judgment dissolving the marriage has been entered in the civil register. Artikel 262 During the hearing of a petition for divorce, the wife is entitled to claim maintenance, which, the amount having been determined by the court, the husband shall pay to her. If the wife, without the court's permission, leaves the residence allotted to her, she may, depending on the circumstances, be deprived of all claim to maintenance and, where she is the petitioner, further prosecution of her petition for divorce may even be disallowed. Artikel 274 If the spouse on whose petition divorce has been granted does not have sufficient means to maintain himself, the court may order the other spouse to contribute from his estate towards the maintenance of the petitioner. Artikel 295, first paragraph The provisions contained in Articles 259 to 269 inclusive, in Articles 271 to 277 inclusive, and in Article 280, are also applicable when separation from bed and board is requested by one of the spouses. Artikel 286 Before applying for separation from bed and board (a joint application for separation from bed and board is meant in this Article) the husband and wife are required to regulate by authentic act all the conditions of the separation with regard to themselves personally, to the exercise of parental authority and to the responsibility for the maintenance and education of their children. The arrangements which they make during the judicial procedure must be submitted for the approval of the court of first instance, and where necessary, be regulated by that court. Artikel 338a The father of a child born out of wedlock which has not been acknowledged by him is obliged to maintain the child and to contribute towards its maintenance and education for as long as it is under age. The father shall be deemed to be the man who had sexual intercourse with the mother in the period between the 301st and the 179th day prior to the date of birth of the child. Any action instituted to claim provision for maintenance and education shall be dismissed: if the defendant can prove that the mother had sexual intercourse during the aforementioned period with another man or other men, unless it was impossible that the child could have been conceived as a result thereof, or in general, if the court is convinced that the defendant is not the father of the child. Artikel 338b The claim mentioned in the foregoing article must be lodged with the court of first instance on the island where the child is domiciled. The claim is barred after the lapse of five years from the date of birth of the child. The decision of the court, granting the claim, contains an order to pay an amount weekly, monthly or quarterly to the guardian of the child. The court of first instance stipulates as far as possible the guarantees for the payments. If due reasons exist, the court of first instance may, however, order that payment be effected in a lump sum. Artikel 338e As long as an illegitimate child is unable to maintain himself owing to a physical or mental handicap, the obligation to maintain the child continues after he has attained his majority. Artikel 338f Any person obliged to pay maintenance under the terms of Article 338a is also obliged to pay the mother the costs of her delivery and the costs of her maintenance for 6 weeks thereafter. The court shall estimate these costs reasonably and with due regard to local custom. This obligation exists even though the child be stillborn. The claim must be lodged with the court of first instance at the place in which the mother is domiciled. The right to lodge the claim is barred after the passage of one year from the date of delivery. Artikel 338g Evidence as referred to in Articles 338a and 338f is not restricted to any particular method. Counter-evidence is permissible and likewise not restricted to any particular method. The decisive oath is not allowed. Article 1943 is not applicable. The hearing of witnesses and the pleading of the case shall take place in camera. The judgment shall be rendered in public. In a case concerning maintenance as referred to in Article 338a, the mother may be heard as a witness even though she is the legal representative of her child. Artikel 1943 It is forbidden to make partial use of a confession to the detriment of the person making the confession. The court is, however, free to make such use if the debtor has stated facts, tending to his discharge, which are proven to be false. Artikel 338h If the defendant acknowledges his obligation as referred to in Articles 338a and 338f, the court is empowered at any time during the hearing to stipulate that a certain payment be made for the duration of the hearing, this without prejudice to the plaintiff's right to demand in summary proceedings, on the grounds of urgency, a provisional allowance. Artikel 347 A child, no matter how old, owes his parents respect and reverence. The parents are obliged to maintain and educate their minor children. Loss of parental authority or guardianship does not imply that they are exempted from their obligation to contribute, proportionally to their income, towards the maintenance and education of their children. With regard to children of full age, the provisions in the third chapter of this title are applicable. Artikel 351 Without prejudice to what has been provided in respect of dissolution of marriage after separation from bed and board, divorce and separation from bed and board, parents who, for any reason other than their having been deprived or relieved thereof, do not have parental authority or guardianship over their minor child, shall pay weekly, monthly or quarterly to the court of guardianship an amount towards the maintenance and education of that child, the amount to be decided by the court of first instance on application by the court of guardianship. Artikel 355 Illegitimate children who have been acknowledged are solely under guardianship. Article 347 is applicable to them. Article 251 is applicable to a person who has acknowledged a minor illegitimate child if for some reason other than having been relieved or deprived thereof, he does not have guardianship over that child. Artikel 368g A person who has been relieved or deprived of parental authority shall pay to the court of guardianship an amount towards the maintenance and education of the minor children over whom he has lost parental authority, the amount to be decided by the court of first instance on application by the court of guardianship. If the court of guardianship has petitioned that the parent be relieved or deprived of parental authority, or if, pending the investigation as referred to in Article 368c ter, the court of first instance has been requested to stipulate the amount to be paid, the amount of payment shall be stipulated in the court's decision whereby the parent is relieved or deprived of parental authority. Artikel 370 Children are obliged to maintain their parents and other relatives in the ascending line if such persons should be without means. Artikel 371 Sons-in-law and daughters-in-law shall likewise, and in the same cases, support their parents-in-law. This obligation ends however:
Artikel 372 The obligations proceeding from the provisions contained in the two foregoing Articles are reciprocal. Artikel 375 Should the person who is obliged to provide maintenance prove that he is unable to furnish the money required, the court of first instance may, after due investigation, order that the person entitled to maintenance be received and taken care of in the home of the person obliged to provide maintenance. Artikel 376 Should the father or the mother of a child to whom they are obliged to provide maintenance offer to take the child into his or her home and to maintain it there, they shall then be exempted from fulfilling this obligation in any other manner. Artikel 377 Illegitimate children and illegitimate children who have been acknowledged are obliged to maintain their parents. This is a reciprocal obligation. Artikel 378 All agreements in virtue of which the right to maintenance is waived are null and void. Artikel 378a Maintenance that is due by virtue of the provisions of this Code, including the obligations to maintain and educate a minor, shall be determined in accordance with, on the one hand, the needs of the persons entitled to maintenance and, on the other hand, the income and wealth of the person obliged to pay maintenance, due regard being had to the number and relationship of the other persons whom, under this Code, he is obliged to maintain. The method of rendering proof which is usually required by the court in the Netherlands Antilles When the claimant has stated in his petition all the facts and circumstances which, in his opinion, in virtue of the applicable civil law, justify his claim, the rendering of proof, if the defendant denies the claim, is mainly effected through the hearing of witnesses and the production of relevant documents. The court of the place of domicile of the defendant is normally the court competent to handle the claim. The court of the place of domicile of the claimant is frequently also considered competent. Where the claim concerns maintenance to be paid by the begetter of an illegitimate minor, the court of the place of domicile of the child is also competent to handle the claim. |
21 | Toetreding door Argentinië onder de volgende voorbehouden:
Tsjechoslowakije heeft naar aanleiding van het onder a genoemde voorbehoud op 21-04-1973 het volgende medegedeeld: The Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic does not regard as valid the reservation to article 10 of the Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance made by the Government of Argentina. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft op 13-03-1975 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door Argentinië bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring: With reference to article 17 (1) of the Convention […] the Government of the United Kingdom [objects] to reservations (b) and (c) made by Argentina in respect of articles 12 and 16 upon accession to the Convention. |
22 | Toetreding door het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland onder de verklaring, dat het Verdrag niet van toepassing is op enig gebied voor welks internationale betrekkingen het Verenigd Koninkrijk verantwoordelijk is. De Regering van het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland heeft op 29-11-1985 het Verdrag toepasselijk verklaard op het eiland Man met ingang van 29-11-1984 en op Jersey op 30-07-2003. |
23 | Toetreding door Australië onder een verklaring: Australia wishes to declare, in accordance with Article 12, that with the exception of the Territory of Norfolk Island, the Convention shall not be applicable to the territories for the international relations of which Australia is responsible. Toepasselijkverklaring door Australië voor Norfolk vanaf 12-02-1985 |
24 | Kaapverdië heeft op 02-11-1985 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: […] the evidence normally required under the law of the State of the Receiving Agency for the proof of maintenance claims, the manner in which such evidence should be submitted, and other requirements to be complied with under such law, are as follows:
25 | De Regering van Barbados heeft in overeenstemming met artikel 3, tweede lid, medegedeeld dat the laws of Barbados require no further evidence for the proof of maintenance claims than that which is provided for by the Convention. |
26 | Toetreding door Nieuw-Zeeland onder de verklaring dat het Verdrag niet van toepassing zal zijn op de Cook-eilanden, het eiland Niue en de Tokelau-eilanden. |
27 | De Regering van Duitsland heeft op 21-02-1991 het volgende medegedeeld: The Federal Republic of Germany declares that the Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance of 20 June 1956 remains fully valid for the Federal Republic of Germany following the establishment of German unity on 3 October 1990. With effect from 3 October 1990, the rights and obligations deriving from the Convention relate to the entire territory of the united Germany. With regard to paragraph 3 of Article 2 of the said Convention, it is hereby communicated by way of clarification that the Receiving Agency designated, namely: Bundesverwaltungsambt Aussenstelle Bad Homburg Postfach 1254 D-6380 Bad Homburg is the Receiving Agency for the entire territory of the united Germany. The Transmitting Agencies for the five new länder of the Federal Republic of Germany will be communicated as soon as they have been designated under the domestic law of the Federal Republic of Germany. |
28 | De Regering van Nieuw-Zeeland heeft overeenkomstig artikel 3, tweede lid, van het Verdrag op 08-05-1986 medegedeeld dat ‘concerning the evidence normally required in New Zealand for proof of a maintenance claim, that each maintenance application transmitted to New Zealand should include:
De tekst van de mededeling ingevolge artikel 3, tweede lid, van het Verdrag met alle hierboven bedoelde bijlagen kan worden opgevraagd bij het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Directie Verdragen. |
29 | De Regering van de Centraalafrikaanse Republiek heeft ingevolge artikel 2, derde lid, van het Verdrag op 02-11-1985 het volgende medegedeeld: … a distinction should be drawn between two situations:
Claims originating abroad follow the same procedure. (VN-vertaling) Overeenkomstig artikel 3, tweede lid, van het Verdrag heeft de Regering van de Centraalafrikaanse Republiek, op 02-11-1985 het volgende medegedeeld:
Proof of delivery of the document shall take the form of either a receipt dated and signed by the addressee or a certificate issued by the Receiving Agency which states the fact of receipt and the month and date of the delivery. One or the other of these proofs shall be sent directly to the Transmitting Agency. (VN-vertaling) |
30 | Verklaringen van voortgezette gebondenheid van Bosnië-Herzegowina op 01-09-1993, van Kroatië op 20-09-1993, van Slovenië op 01-07-1992, van de Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek Macedonië op 10-03-1994 en van de Federatieve Republiek Joegoslavië op 12-03-2001. |
31 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Bosnië-Herzegowina op 01-09-1993. |
32 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Kroatië op 20-09-1993. Kroatië heeft op 17-09-2019 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: […] that, in accordance with article 2, paragraph 3 of the Convention, the following office has been designated to act as the Transmitting agency: Ministarstvo za demografiju, obitelj, mlade i socijalnu politiku (Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy) Kroatië heeft op 10-06-2021 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: […] that, in accordance with article 2 of the Convention, the following authority has been designated to act as Receiving Agency and Transmitting Agency: Ministarstvo rada, mirovinskoga sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike (Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy) |
33 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Slovenië op 01-07-1992. Slovenië heeft op 21-04-2017 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: … pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Convention… the following office has been designated as the Transmitting and Receiving Agency as from 1 April 2017 onwards: Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad.Republike Slovenije (Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia) Slovenië heeft op 02-11-2020 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: The Government of Slovenia updated the Transmitting and Receiving Agency as follows: Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad Republike Slovenije (Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia) |
34 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van de Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek Macedonië op 10-03-1994. |
35 | Verklaringen van voortgezette gebondenheid van Slowakije op 28-05-1993 en van de Tsjechische Republiek op 30-09-1993. |
36 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Slowakije op 28-05-1993. |
37 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van de Tsjechische Republiek op 30-09-1993. |
38 | Toetreding door Ierland onder aanwijzing van autoriteiten. |
39 | Toetreding door Belarus onder de volgende verklaring: […] Pursuant to article 3, paragraph 2, we have the honour to inform you that, for the recovery of maintenance in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the Transmitting Agencies of the States parties to the Convention are obliged to submit the following documents:
[…] |
40 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van de Federatieve Republiek Joegoslavië op 12-03-2001. |
41 | Toetreding door de Seychellen onder de volgende verklaring: The Republic of Seychelles reserves the right, with respect to article 10 of the Convention, to restrict the application of the expression ‘highest priority’ in the light of the legal provisions governing exchange control in Seychelles. |
42 | Toetreding door Moldavië onder de volgende verklaring: Until the full re-establishment of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova, the provisions of the Convention shall be applied only on the territory controlled effectively by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova. |
43 | Colombia heeft op 27-10-2003 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: Proceedings relating to maintenance for minors ‘Maintenance’ is understood to mean everything essential for the support, housing, clothing, medical treatment, recreation, comprehensive training and education or instruction of the minor. Maintenance shall include the obligation to pay the mother's pregnancy and childbirth expenses. Article 133, Decree No. 2737 of 1989, Minors' Code. Every minor is entitled to the protection, care and assistance necessary to achieve adequate physical, mental, moral and social development, and such rights are recognized from the time of conception. Article 3 of Decree No. 2737, Minors' Code. In the event of non-compliance with the maintenance obligation towards a minor, a request for conciliation may be submitted to the Family Ombudsman, the competent judges, the Family Commissioner or the Corrections Inspector of the minor's place of residence by either parent, by the child's relatives, by the guardian or person caring for the child or motu proprio. Article 136, Decree No. 2737 of 1989, Minors' Code. The right to claim maintenance may not be waived and is non-transferable in the event of death. The right to claim maintenance may not be sold or assigned in any way. The person owing maintenance (respondent) may not ask the claimant to offset that debt with sums owed to him by the claimant. Even if the parents have been deprived of parental authority, their maintenance obligation does not cease. This obligation ceases when the minor is adopted. As long as the respondent does not fulfil or agree to fulfil the maintenance obligation towards the minor, he may not claim custody and personal care or exercise other rights over the minor. When necessary, the judge will decide who is to have custody and care of the minor(s) on whose behalf the proceedings were instituted, without prejudice to the relevant judicial actions. Article 150, Decree No. 2737, Minors' Code. An expectant mother may claim maintenance in respect of the offspring of the legitimate father (husband) or of the man who has recognized paternity in the case of a child to be born out of wedlock. Article 135, Decree No. 2737 of 1989, Minors' Code. Conciliation Act No. 23 of 1991, Act No. 446 of 1998 and Act No. 640 of 2001 Article 35 of Act No. 640 of 2001. ‘Admissibility requirement. In cases suitable for conciliation, extrajudicial conciliation as of right is an admissibility requirement for application to the civil, administrative law, labour and family courts, as specified in this Act for each of these areas.’ Accordingly, in requests for imposition of maintenance payments for a minor, the child's mother or father or the child's relatives or officials dealing with the case may initiate conciliation with the person obligated to pay such maintenance. In this case, the (non-compliant) person obligated to pay maintenance will be summoned to the office of the Family Commissioner, the Family Ombudsman or the competent judge to try to reach agreement on the amount of the maintenance payments, the means of making them, their timing and guarantees of observance. The respondent may authorize deduction from his salary of the agreed amounts. When conciliation has produced agreement on the maintenance figure, method of payment, timing of the payments and relevant guarantee, a record will be prepared for signature by the presiding official and the parties. The official will then approve it by means of a writ and the conciliation will thus become enforceable; in other words, in case of non-compliance by the respondent, maintenance enforcement proceedings will be initiated. If the person summoned does not appear, after being summoned twice and after the reason for the summons has been given, or if the conciliation fails, the official may establish a provisional maintenance figure and the writ establishing it will be enforceable. The official must submit the claim for maintenance to the competent judge in order for the figure provisionally established to be confirmed by the judge. Maintenance conciliations may vary depending on the circumstances of the person obligated to pay maintenance and the needs of the person receiving the financial support. In addition, the judicial decision awarding maintenance may be reviewed in order to revise the maintenance figure, when the respondent is the father of another minor or other minors. The conciliation record must contain the following information: Place, date and time of the conciliation hearing; Name of the Conciliator; Name of the persons summoned to the conciliation and indication of who attended the proceedings; Brief account of the claims that are the subject of the conciliation; Agreement reached by the parties during the proceedings. Each of the parties participating in the conciliation must receive a copy of the record. Claims for maintenance for minors Claims for maintenance for minors are dealt with in the manner established in Decree No. 2737 of 1989 (Minors' Code); as specified in Decree No. 2272 of 1989, the decision is not subject to appeal. Claims for maintenance must contain the name of the parties, their address for notification purposes (place of residence, domicile, whereabouts or place of work), the amount of maintenance claimed, the justification for the claim and the evidence adduced and must be accompanied by any documents in the possession of the claimant. Claims may be submitted orally or in writing. If any document is missing that the claimant is unable to attach, the judge may, at the request of a party or ex officio, order the relevant authority to issue the document. If he deems it necessary, the judge may order attachment of the respondent's salary (in an amount that he considers appropriate) in the writ authorizing submission of the claim (in order to guarantee fulfilment of the maintenance obligation), for which purpose he shall communicate officially with the respondent's employer. He may also order retention of an amount that he considers appropriate from the respondent's severance pay, in order to guarantee the minor's maintenance in the event that the respondent resigns or is laid off from his employment. Evidence Any judicial decision must be based on the evidence duly and regularly produced in the proceedings. Article 174 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Means of proof. The means of proof are statements by the parties, responses under oath, testimony of third parties, expert opinions, physical examination of exhibits, documents, circumstantial evidence and any other means that may help the judge to form an opinion. Article 175 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Evidence located abroad When the civil proceedings require formalities on foreign territory, the judge may, depending on the nature and urgency of the matter:
Evidence is provided at the request of the parties or following an official order from the judge, if he considers it necessary for verification of the facts alleged by the parties. The cost of providing evidence is shared equally by the parties, without prejudice to the judge's decision regarding the costs of the proceedings. Deposition. Statement made before the judge in exercise of his functions. Other statements are extra-judicial. Questioning. The judge may officially summon the parties to answer under oath any questions he wishes to put to them. He may also summon one of the parties, at the request of the other, provided that the request is made in due form. Oath. When the law authorizes the judge to request any of the parties to take an oath, the oath must be taken at the time when the evidence is to be presented, at the date and time appointed. Statements by third parties. All persons are obliged to make statements if requested, except in the cases specified by law. Expert opinion. An opinion requiring the participation of experts or persons specializing in specific scientific, technical or artistic subjects. Physical examination of exhibits. Proof established by verification of certain facts germane to the proceedings. Circumstantial evidence. In order for a fact to be considered as circumstantial evidence, it must be fully proved in the proceedings. The judge is authorized to deduce circumstantial evidence from the behaviour of the parties. Documents. Documents may be public or private. Public documents are those issued by a public official in the performance of his duties or with his intervention. Private documents are those not meeting the requirements to be considered as public documents. Authentic document. A document regarding which certainty exists as to the person who drafted, wrote or signed it. A public document is presumed to be authentic, unless the contrary is proved by evidence of forgery. Private documents are authentic if they meet the requirements specified by law. In order for proceedings to be initiated for recovery of maintenance for minors, the relationship between the minor claiming maintenance and the person obligated to provide it must be proved. This shall be done by reference to the Civil Registry where the minor's birth is recorded. The financial ability of the respondent to provide maintenance must also be proved, even summarily (reason to believe). If such ability cannot be proved, an analysis will have to be made of the respondent's social position and habits and it will ultimately be presumed that the respondent will pay the minor the minimum wage. In order to demonstrate the respondent's ability to pay, a certificate of income and statutory allowances, if he is employed, may be requested as evidence (documentary or oral). The Land Registry Office may be requested to report on immovable property owned by the respondent. The Transit and Transport Secretariat may be asked to determine the ownership of automobiles registered to the respondent. The Chamber of Commerce may be asked to establish the respondent's ownership of or participation in commercial firms. The national Tax Office may be asked to provide the respondent's tax return, and credit or banking institutions may be asked to report on the respondent's balances and on credit card usage. Oral evidence may also be sought, in which persons are asked about the respondent's income. Maintenance is due at the time of the first claim and must be paid monthly in advance, during the first five days of the month in question. Article 421 of the Civil Code, in conformity with the second paragraph of article 498 of the Code of Civil Procedure, Decree No. 2282 of 1989. The maintenance order may specify: An amount to be deducted from the respondent's pay or salary, which may not exceed 50 per cent of his monthly income. Establishment of a fund, the income from which will be used to make the established maintenance payments. A specific sum of money, depending on the respondent's demonstrated ability to pay. Maintenance payments will increase annually, either in order to reflect cost-of-living increases or as agreed between the parties during the conciliation. Maintenance enforcement proceedings In the event of non-compliance with the maintenance obligation agreed during the conciliation or decreed by decision of the judge, the family judge concerned may initiate maintenance enforcement proceedings, with the legal consequences, if necessary, of attachment and auction of property. Complaints of failure to provide maintenance ‘Any person who without good reason fails to provide maintenance legally due to his relatives in the ascending line, descendants, adopter or adoptee, or spouse shall be liable to imprisonment for a term ranging from one (1) to three (3) years and a fine ranging from ten (10) to twenty (20) times the monthly legal minimum wage in force.’ ‘The penalty shall be imprisonment ranging from two (2) to four (4) years and a fine ranging from fifteen (15) to twenty-five (25) times the monthly legal minimum wage in force if the failure to provide maintenance concerns a minor under fourteen (14) years of age.’ Article 233 of the Penal Code. ‘Aggravating circumstances. The penalty specified in the preceding article shall be increased by up to one third if the respondent has fraudulently concealed, reduced or encumbered his income or assets in order to avoid paying maintenance.’ Article 234 of the Penal Code. ‘Repetition. Enforcement of the sentence shall not preclude the initiation of further proceedings if the person concerned again fails to make maintenance payments.’ Article 235 of the Penal Code. |
44 | Toetreding door Oekraïne onder de volgende verklaring: Pursuant to the Article 2 of the Convention the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has been identified as the Transmitting and Receiving Agency. Oekraïne heeft op 20-10-2015 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: In February 2014 the Russian Federation launched armed aggression against Ukraine and occupied a part of the territory of Ukraine – the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, and today exercises effective control over certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine. These actions are in gross violation of the Charter of the United Nations and constitute a threat to international peace and security. The Russian Federation, as the Aggressor State and Occupying Power, bears full responsibility for its actions and their consequences under international law. The United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/68/262 of 27 March 2014 confirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. The United Nations also called upon all States, international organizations and specialized agencies not to recognize any alteration of the status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. In this regard, Ukraine states that from 20 February 2014 and for the period of temporary occupation by the Russian Federation of a part of the territory of Ukraine – the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol – as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation committed against Ukraine and until the complete restoration of the constitutional law and order and effective control by Ukraine over such occupied territory, as well as over certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, which are temporarily not under control of Ukraine as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation, the application and implementation by Ukraine of the obligations under the above [Convention], as applied to the aforementioned occupied and uncontrolled territory of Ukraine, is limited and is not guaranteed. Documents or requests made or issued by the occupying authorities of the Russian Federation, its officials at any level in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and by the illegal authorities in certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, which are temporarily not under control of Ukraine, are null and void and have no legal effect regardless of whether they are presented directly or indirectly through the authorities of the Russian Federation. The provisions of the [Convention] regarding the possibility of direct communication or interaction do not apply to the territorial organs of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, as well as in certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, which are temporarily not under control of Ukraine. The procedure of the relevant communication is determined by the central authorities of Ukraine in Kyiv. Oekraïne heeft op 04-03-2022 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: … Ukraine … is unable to guarantee full implementation of its obligations [under the above Convention] due to the Armed aggression of the Russian Federation and with the imposition of martial law until the complete cessation of encroachment on the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine. Oekraïne heeft op 20-11-2023 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: [The aforementioned treaty is] implemented on the territory of Ukraine in full, with the exception of the territories where hostilities are (were) conducted, or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, on which it is impossible to fully guarantee the Ukrainian Party’s fulfillment of its obligations under [this treaty] as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, as well as the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine until the complete cessation of encroachment on the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders of Ukraine. The regularly updated list of territories where hostilities are (were) conducted, or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation is at the link below: |
45 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Montenegro op 23-10-2006. |
46 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Montenegro op 23-10-2006. |
47 | Montenegro heeft op 09-07-2007 een verklaring afgelegd. |
48 | Ierland heeft op 25-06-2007 een verklaring afgelegd. |
49 | Duitsland heeft op 14-12-2007 een verklaring afgelegd. |
50 | Moldavië heeft op 07-11-2007 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: In its capacity as Receiving Agency, the Ministry of Justice shall limit the performance of its duties to receiving documents from foreign claimants and, where appropriate, communicating replies. It will also have the right, pursuant to article 3, paragraph 3, of the aforementioned Convention, to appoint the national authority authorized to act on behalf of the claimant. Pursuant to article 3, paragraph 2, of the aforementioned Convention, the evidence required for the proof of maintenance claims is as follows:
For claimants over the age of 18 who do not have a regular income, the following is also required:
The aforementioned documents must be submitted in duplicate, both copies having been duly authorized. The Republic of Moldova hereby declares that all documents submitted to the Republic of Moldova pursuant to the provisions of the Convention must be accompanied by certified translations into Moldovan. |
51 | De Heilige Stoel heeft op 27-10-2017 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: (…) that the Holy See has designated the Office of Protocol - General Affairs Section, Secretariat of State, 00120 Vatican City, to act in its territory [as Transmitting and Receiving Agency] replacing ’Giudice Unico’. |
52 | Mexico heeft op 09-11-2017 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: Notification under Article 2 (…) the [Government] of Mexico wishes to update the information of the Mexican central authority regarding the aforementioned Convention and transmits the following details (…): Transmitting Agency and Remitting Agency: Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores Dirección General de Protección a Mexicanos en el Exterior Dirección General Adjunta de Derecho de Familia |
53 | Zwitserland heeft op 10-09-2019 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: Notification under article 2: […] the following Office has been designated to act as the Transmitting and Receiving Agencies: Federal Office of Justice Central authority for international maintenance matters |
54 | Kirgistan heeft op 06-05-2020 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: […], in accordance with article 2, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Convention, the following Office has been designated to act as the Transmitting and Receiving Agencies: Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic. |
55 | Denemarken heeft op 30-09-2022 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: […] that the following authorities have been designated to act as Transmitting and Receiving Agencies. Transmitting Agency Gaeldsstyrelsen Receiving Agency Familieretshuset |
56 | Noorwegen heeft op 30-11-2023 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: [...], in accordance with article 2 (3) of the Convention, that the following authority has been designated to act as Transmitting Agency and Receiving Agency: NAV Family Benefits and Pensions Child Support Postboks 6600 Etterstad N-0607 OSLO Norway e-mail: central.authority.child.support@nav.no. |
Laisser en blanc si, en raison de son indigence, le requérant ou la requérante sollicite la désignation d'un avocat par le Bureau de la consultation gratuite ou si le requérant ou la requérante n'a pas d'avocat de son choix.
Préciser l'identité du débiteur qui ne peut être que le conjoint.
Préciser l'identité du débiteur.
Article 2 of the Rules of Execution refers to subjects of execution which have been established in a foreign country, but by authorities or organs subordinate to domestic authorities. This clause of Article 79 is therefore irrelevant to any consideration under Article 3, paragraph 2, of the Convention.
The subsequent paragraphs of Article 63 are irrelevant to the present considerations. They refer to the question of according aliens or stateless persons the same treatment as Austrians, which is in any case guaranteed by Article 9, paragraph 1, of the Convention, and to the granting of legal aid to juridic persons.
At the request of either or both of the parents, the court of first instance may, on the grounds of circumstances arising after the judgment dissolving the marriage became final, make an order in accordance with the preceding paragraph and amend the conditions, contained in the first paragraph, concerning the children, after having heard or having duly summoned the parents, the joint guardians and the relatives by blood or marriage of the minor children. This order can be declared immediately enforceable, notwithstanding any appeal that may be made, with or without security.