Europese Overeenkomst inzake de afschaffing van visa voor vluchtelingen
Partijen en gegevens
Geldend vanaf 03-09-1960
- Redactionele toelichting
De partijen en gegevens zijn afkomstig van de Verdragenbank (
- Bronpublicatie:
20-04-1959, Trb. 1959, 153 (uitgifte: 19-10-1959, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
12-09-1960, Trb. 1960, 111 (uitgifte: 01-01-1960, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Vakgebied(en)
EU-recht / Bijzondere onderwerpen
Vreemdelingenrecht / Grensbewaking
Internationaal publiekrecht / Vrij verkeer
Trb. 1959, 153
Trb. 1960, 111
Trb. 1968, 48
Trb. 1995, 232
Partij | Datum inwerkingtreding | Voorbehoud |
België | 03-09-1960 | |
Denemarken | 01-01-1961 | |
Duitsland | 07-12-1961 | |
Finland | 05-08-1990 | |
Frankrijk | 03-09-1960 | |
Hongarije | 07-12-2009 | |
Ierland | 30-11-1969 | |
IJsland | 08-10-1966 | |
Italië | 01-07-1965 | |
Liechtenstein | 29-11-1969 | |
Luxemburg | 25-05-1961 | |
Malta | 18-02-1989 | |
het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (het Europese deel van Nederland) | 03-09-1960 | |
Noorwegen | 01-01-1961 | |
Polen | 21-05-2005 | |
Portugal | 13-11-1981 | |
Roemenië | 25-05-2001 | |
Slowakije | 28-02-2005 | |
Spanje | 01-08-1982 | |
Tsjechië | 10-04-1999 | |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | 27-09-1968 | |
Zweden | 01-01-1961 | |
Zwitserland | 20-01-1967 |
Voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
1 | Hongarije heeft op 06-11-2009 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: The Government of the Republic of Hungary interprets the term ‘visit of not more than three months' duration’ contained in Article 1.b of the Agreement as a period of three months during the six months following the date of first entry. |
2 | Ondertekening door Noorwegen zonder voorbehoud van bekrachtiging en onder de verklaring, dat de Overeenkomst voor Noorwegen op 01-01-1961 in werking zal treden. Voorts verklaarde de Noorse Regering op 13-12-1960 het volgende: ‛ For refugees resident in a State which is not a Party to the Nordic Convention concerning the waiving of passport control at the Inter-Nordic frontiers of the 12th July 1957, the term ‘territory’ shall, in so far as the right of refugees to remain in Norway without visa and residence permit is concerned, mean the territory covered by Article 1, paragraph 2 of the abovementioned Convention. ’ |
3 | Ondertekening door Denemarken zonder voorbehoud van bekrachtiging en onder de verklaring, dat de Overeenkomst voor Denemarken op 01-01-1961 in werking zal treden. Voorts verklaarde de Deense Regering bij brief van 29-12-1960 het volgende: In regard to refugees residing in a State which is not bound by the Agreement between the Nordic States concerning the abolition of the control of passports at the inter-Nordic frontiers, signed at Copenhagen on 12th July 1957, the term ‘territory’ will mean, as far as their right to reside in Denmark without a visa or residence permit is concerned, the territory to which the Nordic Agreement applies by virtue of Article 1, paragraph 2 thereof. It should be noted that by virtue of Article 14 thereof, the Nordic Agreement is extended, with effect from 1st January 1961, to the Faroe Islands. (De tekst van de Overeenkomst van 12 juli 1957 is afgedrukt in ‘Recueil des Traités’ der Verenigde Naties, deel 322, blz. 245 e.v.) |
4 | Ondertekening door Zweden zonder voorbehoud van bekrachtiging en onder de verklaring, dat de Overeenkomst voor Zweden op 01-01-1961 in werking zal treden. Voorts verklaarde de Zweedse Regering op 30-11-1967 het volgende: ‛ In the case of refugees resident in a State which is not bound by the Agreement concluded among the Nordic States concerning the abolition of the control of passports at inter-Nordic frontiers, signed at Copenhagen on 12th July 1957, the word ‘territory’, as far as the refugees' right to reside in Sweden without a visa or residence permit is concerned, shall mean the territory to which the said Nordic Agreement applies. ’ . |
5 | Bekrachtiging door Italië onder het volgende voorbehoud: ‛ The application of this Agreement within the territory of the Italian Republic will not apply to refugees who had left this territory with the intention of emigrating. ’ . De Regeringen van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, België en Luxemburg hebben bij brieven van respectievelijk 23-06-1965, 30-06-1965 en 14-07-1965 aan de Secretaris-Generaal van de Raad van Europa medegedeeld, dat zij, gezien het door de Italiaanse Regering op 01-06-1965 bij de bekrachtiging gemaakte voorbehoud, de Overeenkomst voorshands beschouwen als niet van kracht tussen hun landen en Italië. De Italiaanse Regering heeft bij brief van 11-08-1965 aan de Secretaris-Generaal van de Raad van Europa het volgende medegedeeld: ‛ Italy has abolished visas for refugees residing permanently in Belgium, Denmark, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, in application of the European Agreement on the Abolition of Visas for Refugees of 20th April 1959. Moreover, since the European Agreement on Travel by Young Persons on Collective Passports between the Member Countries of the Council of Europe, signed at Paris on 16th December 1961, is in force between Belgium, France, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Turkey and the United Kingdom, Article 13 of that Agreement is applicable in Italy to young political refugees permanently resident in Belgium, France and the Netherlands. ’ . Deze mededeling is op 25-03-1966 door de Italiaanse Regering ingetrokken. De Italiaanse Regering heeft bij brief van 06-12-1965 aan de Secretaris-Generaal van de Raad van Europa medegedeeld, het bij de bekrachtiging op 01-06-1965 gemaakte voorbehoud in te trekken. |
6 | In overeenstemming met artikel 2 is de Overeenkomst toepasselijk verklaard door Frankrijk voor Algerije en de Sahara op 07-01-1961 onder de volgende verklaring: ‛ Those concerned will, however, as in the past, require the special permit issued by the prefectoral or consular authorities. ’ |
7 | Ratificatie door Duitsland mede voor het ‘Land’ Berlijn. De Bondsrepubliek Duitsland, partij bij de onderhavige Overeenkomst, zond op 02-10-1990 een nota aan de depositaris over de voortgezette toepassing van verdragen vanaf 03-10-1990. Het op bedoelde verdragen betrekking hebbende gedeelte van de nota luidt als volgt: The Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Council of Europe present its compliments to the General Secretariat of the Council of Europe and has the honour to inform the Secretariat that, with regard to the continued application of treaties of the Federal Republic of Germany and the treatment of treaties of the German Democratic Republic following its accession to the Federal Republic of Germany with effect from 3 October 1990, the Treaty of 31 August 1990 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic on the establishment of German unity (Unification Treaty) contains the following relevant provisions. 1. Article 11 — Treaties of the Federal Republic of Germany The contracting parties proceed on the understanding that international treaties and agreements to which the Federal Republic of Germany is a contracting party, including treaties establishing membership of international organizations or institutions, shall retain their validity and that the rights and obligations arising therefrom, with the exeption of the treaties named in Annex I, shall also relate to the territory specified in Article 3 of this Treaty, where adjustments become necessary in individual cases, the all-German Government shall consult with the respective contracting parties. (The treaties listed in Annex I concern matters of status and security.) ….. The Federal Republic of Germany will proceed in accordance with these provisions. . Op 03-10-1990 is de Duitse Democratische Republiek toegetreden tot de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland. |
8 | Ondertekening door het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland onder de verklaring dat in overeenstemming met artikel 2 ‘for the purposes of the Agreement, the ‘territory’ of the United Kingdom shall comprise the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man’. |
9 | Ondertekening door Malta onder de volgende verklaring: Settlement in the meaning of Article 5 of the European Agreement on the Abolition of Visas for Refugees shall be determined in relation to the place where the refugee's personal interests are centred. Consequently, presence on the territory of a High Contracting Party for the purpose of attending an educational establishment, medical establishment, convalescent home or other similar institutions shall not constitute settlement within the meaning of the said Article 5. ’ |
10 | Bekrachtiging door Portugal onder de volgende verklaring: Aux termes de l'article 2 du présent Accord, le terme ‘territoire’ inclut le territoire portugais sur le continent européen ainsi que les archipels des Açores et de Madère. ’ |
11 | De Permanent Vertegenwoordiger van Finland heeft op 05-01-1994 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: ‛ Se référant à l'arrêté entrant en vigueur en Finlande au 1er janvier 1994, la Représentation Permanente de la Finlande informe le Secrétariat Général de la nécessité d'un visa sur le territoire finlandais pour tous réfugiés auxquels la France a octroyé un document de voyage. Cette nouvelle conduite rend la pratique similaire en France et en Finlande à compter du 1er janvier 1994. ’ |
12 | Toetreding door Liechtenstein onder de volgende verklaring: Settlement in the meaning of Article 5 of the European Agreement on the Abolition of Visas for Refugees shall be determined in relation to the place where the refugee's personal interests are centred. Consequently, presence on the territory of a High Contracting Party for the purpose of attending an educational establishment, convalescent home or other similar institutions shall not constitute settlement within the meaning of the said Article 5. ’ |
13 | In een verklaring van 15-09-1986, ontvangen door de Secretaris-Generaal van de Raad van Europa op 16-09-1986, heeft de Regering van Frankrijk medegedeeld de Overeenkomst, in overeenstemming met artikel 7, eerste lid, te schorsen met ingang van 16-09-1986 om 0 uur. |
14 | Het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland heeft op 07-02-2003 de Overeenkomst opgeschort, met effect vanaf 11-02-2003 onder de volgende verklaring: Under the provisions of Article 7, paragraph 1, of the Agreement, the United Kingdom gives hereby formal notice of its intention to suspend on public order and security grounds the operation of this Agreement. This decision will come into force at 00.01 hours on Tuesday 11 February 2003. The Home Secretary will on [7 February 2003] announce to Parliament that he intends to suspend the operation of the Agreement on the Abolition of Visas for Refugees of 1959. This decision reflects growing concern that the holders of 1951 Convention Travel Documents, issued by signatories to the Agreement, are travelling to the United Kindgom[lees: Kingdom] and either remaining illegally or making asylum applications in false identities in order to access the benefits system. This undermines the integrity of our asylum process, places an unacceptable burden on the system and diverts valuable resources from those in genuine need. There are also security implications for the United Kingdom if people remain in the United Kingdom illegally. |
15 | Slowakije heeft op 29-03-2005 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: In accordance with Article 2 of the Agreement, Slovakia declares that the territory of the Slovak Republic is integral and indivisible, defined by State borders with neighbouring States according to the international treaties concluded by the Slovak Republic or by international treaties by which the Slovak Republic is bound. |
16 | Ondertekening door Polen onder de volgende verklaring: Settlement in the meaning of Article 5 of the European Agreement on the Abolition of Visas for Refugees shall be construed as the stay related to the transfer of the refugee's important vital interests, for which the refugee was granted a permit different than a visa in line with provisions regulating the entry, transit, stay and departure of aliens from the territory of the Republic of Poland. Stay for which the refugee was granted a permit for the purpose of attending an educational establishment, medical establishment, convalescent home or other similar institutions shall not constitute settlement within the meaning of the said Article 5. |
17 | Ierland heeft op 19-07-2022 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: Pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 1, of the European Agreement on the Abolition of Visas for Refugees, Ireland gives notice to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe of the temporary suspension of the operation of the said Agreement as between Ireland and the other Contracting Parties, except in so far as the provisions of Article 5 are concerned. This temporary suspension shall take effect from 12:00 on Tuesday 19 July 2022, for an initial period of one year, at which time the suspension will be reviewed. Ierland heeft op 13-07-2023 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: The Government of Ireland declares that the temporary suspension, as between Ireland and the other contracting parties, of the European Agreement on the Abolition of Visas shall remain in effect, except in so far as the provisions of Article 5 are concerned, until further notice to the Secretary General, pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 1, of the said Agreement. |