Einde inhoudsopgave
Verdrag nopens de voorrechten en immuniteiten van de Verenigde Naties
Partijen en gegevens
Geldend vanaf 17-09-1946
- Redactionele toelichting
De partijen en gegevens zijn afkomstig van de Verdragenbank (verdragenbank.overheid.nl).
- Bronpublicatie:
13-02-1946, Stb. 1948, I 224 (uitgifte: 25-06-1948, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
14-04-1960, Trb. 1960, 33 (uitgifte: 01-01-1960, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Vakgebied(en)
Vreemdelingenrecht (V)
Internationaal publiekrecht / Algemeen
Trb. 1947, H 452
Trb. 1948, I 224
Trb. 1960, 33
Trb. 1969, 206
Trb. 1979, 35
Trb. 1994, 210
Partij | Datum inwerkingtreding | Voorbehoud |
Afghanistan | 05-09-1947 | |
Albanië | 02-07-1957 | |
Algerije | 31-10-1963 | |
Angola | 09-08-1990 | |
Antigua en Barbuda | 01-11-1981 | |
Argentinië | 12-10-1956 | |
Armenië | 29-04-2004 | |
Australië | 02-03-1949 | |
Azerbeidzjan | 13-08-1992 | |
Bahama's | 10-07-1973 | |
Bahrein | 17-09-1992 | |
Bangladesh | 16-12-1971 | |
Barbados | 30-11-1966 | |
Belarus | 22-10-1953 | |
België | 25-09-1948 | |
Belize | 14-09-2005 | |
Bolivia | 23-12-1949 | |
Bosnië en Herzegovina | 01-03-1992 | |
Brazilië | 15-12-1949 | |
Brunei | 01-08-2013 | |
Bulgarije | 30-09-1960 | |
Burkina Faso | 27-04-1962 | |
Burundi | 17-03-1971 | |
Cambodja | 06-11-1963 | |
Canada | 22-01-1948 | |
Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek | 13-08-1960 | |
Chili | 15-10-1948 | |
China | 11-09-1979 | |
Colombia | 06-08-1974 | |
Democratische Republiek Congo | 08-12-1964 | |
Republiek Congo | 15-08-1960 | |
Costa Rica | 26-10-1949 | |
Cuba | 09-09-1959 | |
Cyprus | 16-08-1960 | |
Denemarken | 10-06-1948 | |
Djibouti | 27-06-1977 | |
Dominica | 03-11-1978 | |
Dominicaanse Republiek | 07-03-1947 | |
Duitse Democratische Republiek | 04-10-1974 | |
Duitsland | 05-11-1980 | |
Ecuador | 22-03-1956 | |
Egypte | 17-09-1948 | |
El Salvador | 09-07-1947 | |
Estland | 21-10-1991 | |
Ethiopië | 22-07-1947 | |
Fiji | 10-10-1970 | |
Filipijnen | 28-10-1947 | |
Finland | 31-07-1958 | |
Frankrijk | 18-08-1947 | |
Gabon | 13-03-1964 | |
Gambia | 18-02-1965 | |
Georgië | 17-12-2007 | |
Ghana | 05-08-1958 | |
Griekenland | 29-12-1947 | |
Guatemala | 07-07-1947 | |
Guinee | 10-01-1968 | |
Guyana | 28-12-1972 | |
Haïti | 06-08-1947 | |
Honduras | 16-05-1947 | |
Hongarije | 30-07-1956 | |
Ierland | 10-05-1967 | |
IJsland | 10-03-1948 | |
India | 13-05-1948 | |
Indonesië | 08-03-1972 | |
Irak | 15-09-1949 | |
Iran | 08-05-1947 | |
Israël | 21-09-1949 | |
Italië | 03-02-1958 | |
Ivoorkust | 07-08-1960 | |
Jamaica | 09-09-1963 | |
Japan | 18-04-1963 | |
Jemen | 23-07-1963 | |
Joegoslavië | 30-06-1950 | |
Jordanië | 03-01-1958 | |
Kameroen | 01-01-1960 | |
Kazachstan | 26-08-1998 | |
Kenia | 01-07-1965 | |
Kirgistan | 28-01-2000 | |
Koeweit | 13-12-1963 | |
Kroatië | 25-06-1991 | |
Laos | 24-11-1956 | |
Lesotho | 26-11-1969 | |
Letland | 21-11-1997 | |
Libanon | 10-03-1949 | |
Liberia | 14-03-1947 | |
Libië | 28-11-1958 | |
Liechtenstein | 25-03-1993 | |
Litouwen | 09-12-1993 | |
Luxemburg | 14-02-1949 | |
Madagaskar | 26-06-1960 | |
Malawi | 17-05-1966 | |
Maleisië | 31-08-1957 | |
Mali | 28-03-1968 | |
Malta | 21-09-1964 | |
Marokko | 18-03-1957 | |
Mauritius | 12-03-1968 | |
Mexico | 26-11-1962 | |
Micronesia | 05-12-2008 | |
Moldavië | 12-04-1995 | |
Monaco | 08-03-2005 | |
Mongolië | 31-05-1962 | |
Montenegro | 03-06-2006 | |
Mozambique | 08-05-2001 | |
Myanmar | 25-01-1955 | |
Namibië | 17-07-2006 | |
het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden | 19-04-1948 | |
Nepal | 28-09-1965 | |
Nicaragua | 29-11-1947 | |
Nieuw-Zeeland | 10-12-1947 | |
Niger | 03-08-1960 | |
Nigeria | 01-10-1960 | |
Noord-Macedonië | 08-09-1991 | |
Noorwegen | 18-08-1947 | |
Oekraïne | 20-10-1953 | |
Oost-Timor | 23-01-2015 | |
Oostenrijk | 10-05-1957 | |
Pakistan | 22-09-1948 | |
Panama | 27-05-1947 | |
Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea | 16-09-1975 | |
Paraguay | 02-10-1953 | |
Peru | 24-07-1963 | |
Polen | 08-01-1948 | |
Portugal | 14-10-1998 | |
Qatar | 26-11-2007 | |
Roemenië | 05-07-1956 | |
Russische Federatie | 22-09-1953 | |
Rwanda | 15-04-1964 | |
Saint Lucia | 22-02-1979 | |
San Marino | 22-02-2012 | |
Saudi-Arabië | 03-09-2015 | |
Senegal | 22-08-1960 | |
Servië | 27-04-1992 | |
Seychellen | 26-08-1980 | |
Sierra Leone | 27-04-1961 | |
Singapore | 09-08-1965 | |
Slovenië | 25-06-1991 | |
Slowakije | 01-01-1993 | |
Somalië | 09-07-1963 | |
Spanje | 31-07-1974 | |
Sri Lanka | 19-06-2003 | |
Sudan | 21-03-1977 | |
Syrië | 29-08-1953 | |
Tadzjikistan | 19-10-2001 | |
Tanzania | 29-10-1962 | |
Thailand | 30-03-1956 | |
Togo | 27-04-1960 | |
Trinidad en Tobago | 19-10-1965 | |
Tsjechië | 01-01-1993 | |
Tsjechoslowakije | 07-09-1955 | |
Tunesië | 07-05-1957 | |
Turkije | 22-08-1950 | |
Turkmenistan | 23-11-2007 | |
Uganda | 09-07-2001 | |
Uruguay | 16-02-1984 | |
Venezuela | 21-12-1998 | |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | 17-09-1946 | |
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten | 02-06-2003 | |
Verenigde Staten van Amerika | 29-04-1970 | |
Vietnam | 06-04-1988 | |
Zambia | 24-10-1964 | |
Zimbabwe | 13-05-1991 | |
Zuid-Afrika | 30-08-2002 | |
Zuid-Korea | 09-04-1992 | |
Zweden | 28-08-1947 | |
Zwitserland | 25-09-2012 |
Voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
1 | Toetreding door Armenië onder de volgende verklaring: The Republic of Armenia hereby declares that the paragraph c of the Section 18 of the Convention shall not apply to the nationals of the Republic of Armenia. . |
2 | Toetreding door Qatar onder de volgende verklaring: …the State of Qatar has reservation on section (30) of article (8) of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, adopted by the General Assembly on 13 February 1946. The State of Qatar does not consider itself bound by the provisions of section (30) of the aforementioned Convention which provides for the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in the case of differences arising out of the interpretation or application of the Convention, and declares that the consent of all the parties to the dispute is necessary for the submission of any particular dispute to the International Court of Justice for settlement. Furthermore, the State of Qatar does not consider the advisory opinion given by the International Court of Justice shall be accepted as decisive as indicated in above-mentioned section (30). . |
3 | Toetreding door Nieuw-Zeeland onder de volgende verklaring: The Government of New Zealand, having considered the said Convention, hereby accede thereto with the reservation that exemption from rates imposed by any law in New Zealand of taxation imposed on salaries and emoluments, by any law in New Zealand, shall not extend to a person who is a British subject and who is domiciled and employed in New Zealand. |
4 | Toetreding door Canada onder de volgende verklaring: …Canada accedes to the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (adopted. by the General Assembly of the United Nations on February 13, 1946) with the reservation that exemption from taxation imposed by any law in Canada on salaries and emoluments shall not extend to.a Canadian citizen residing or ordinarily resident in Canada. |
5 | Egypte en Syrië maken sedert 01-02-1958 deel uit van de Verenigde Arabische Republiek. |
6 | Toetreding door Turkije onder de volgende verklaring:
. De sub b, c en d genoemde voorbehouden zijn op 06-05-1957 door de Turkse Grote Nationale Vergadering ingetrokken. Een desbetreffende mededeling is op 20-06-1957 door de Secretaris-Generaal van de Verenigde Naties ontvangen. |
7 | Toetreding door de Russische Federatie onder de volgende verklaring: The Soviet Union does not consider itself bound by the provision of Section 30 of the Convention which envisages the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court and, in regard to the competence of the International Court in differences arising out of the interpretation and application of the Convention, the Soviet Union will, as hitherto, adhere to the position that, for the submission of a particular dispute for settlement by the International Court, the consent of all the parties to the dispute is required in every individual case. This reservation is equally applicable to the provision contained in the same section, whereby the advisory opinion of˙ the International Court shall be accepted as decisive. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft op 04-08-1954 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring: Her Majesty’s Government regret that they are unable to accept the above-mentioned reservation because in their view it is not of the kind which intending parties of the Convention have the right to make. Libanon heeft op 05-01-1955 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring: Depositary Communication: By a communication received on 5 January 1955, the Government of Lebanon notified the Secretary-General that it objected to this reservation. |
8 | Toetreding door Belarus onder de volgende verklaring: The Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic does not consider itself bound by the provision of Section 30 of the Convention which envisages the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court and, in regard to the competence of the International Court in differences arising out of the interpretation and application of the Convention, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic will, as hitherto, adhere to the position that, for the submission of a particular dispute for settlement by the International Court, the consent of all the parties to the dispute is required in every individual case. This reservation is equally applicable to the provision contained in the same section, whereby the advisory opinion of the International Court shall be accepted as decisive. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft op 04-08-1954 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door Belarus bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring: Her Majesty’s Government regret that they are unable to accept the above-mentioned reservation because in their view it is not of the kind which intending parties of the Convention have the right to make. |
9 | Toetreding door de Oekraïne onder de volgende verklaring: The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic does not consider itself bound by the provision of Section 30 of the Convention which envisages the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court and, in regard to the competence of the International Court in differences arising out of the interpretation and application of the Convention, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic will, as hitherto, adhere to the position that, for the submission of a particular dispute for settlement by the International Court, the consent of all the parties to the dispute is required in every individual case. This reservation is equally applicable to the provision contained in the same section, whereby the advisory opinion of the International Court shall be accepted as decisive. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft op 01-08-1954 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Oekraïne bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring: Her Majesty’s Government regret that they are unable to accept the above-mentioned reservation because in their view it is not of the kind which intending parties of the Convention have the right to make. |
10 | Toetreding door Tsjechoslowakije onder de volgende verklaring: The Czechoslvak Republic does not consider itself bound by Section 30 of the Convention which envisages the compulsary jurisdiction of the International Court in differences arising out of the interpretation or application of the Convention; in regard to the competance[lees: competence] of the International Court in such differences, the Czechoslovak Republic adheres to the position that, for the submission of a particular dispute for settlement by the International Court, the consent of all the parties to the dispute is required in every individual case. This reservation is equally applicable to the further provisions contained in the same section, whereby the advisory opinion of the International Court shall be accepted as decisive. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door Tsjechoslowakije bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring. |
11 | Toetreding door Thailand onder de volgende verklaring: Officials of the United Nations of Thai nationality shall not be immune on national service obligations. |
12 | Toetreding door Roemenië onder de volgende verklaring: The Romanian People's Republic does not consider itself bound by the terms of section 30 of the Convention which provide for the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court in differences arising out of the interpretation or application of the Convention; with respect to the competence of the International Court in such differences, the Romanian People's Republic takes the view that, for the purpose of the submission of any dispute whatsoever to the Court for a ruling, the consent of all the parties to the dispute is required in every individual case. This reservation is equally applicable to the provisions contained in the said section which stipulate that the advisory opinion of the International Court is to be accepted as decisive. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft op 06-09-1956 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door Roemenië bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring: Her Majesty’s Government regret that they are unable to accept the above-mentioned reservation because in their view it is not of the kind which intending parties of the Convention have the right to make. |
13 | Toetreding door Hongarije onder de volgende verklaring: The Presidential Court of the Hungarian People's Republic expressly reserves its position with regard to Section 30 of the Convention, since, in its opinion, the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice can be founded only on the voluntary prior acceptance of such jurisdiction by all the parties concerned. . Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door Hongarije bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring. De Regering van Hongarije heeft op 08-12-1989 het gemaakte voorbehoud bij de toetreding tot het Verdrag op 30-07-1956 ingetrokken. |
14 | Toetreding door Laos onder de volgende verklaring:
15 | Toetreding door Albanië onder de volgende verklaring: The People's Republic of Albania does not consider itself bound by the provisions of Section 30, which provide that any difference arising out of thee interpretation or application of the present Convention shall be brought before the International Court of Justice, whose opinion shall be accepted as decisive by the parties; with respect to the competence of the Court in disputes relating to the interpretation or application of the Convention, the People's Republic of Albania will continue to maintain, as it has heretofore, that in every individual case the agreement of all the parties to the dispute is required in order that the dispute may be laid before the International Court of Justice for a ruling. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door Albanië bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring. |
16 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van de Federatie van Malakka op 28-10-1957. |
17 | Toetreding door Bulgarije onder de volgende verklaring: The People's Republic of Bulgaria does not consider itself bound by the provision of Section 30 of the Convention which provides for the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, and, with respect to the competence of the International Court in the case of differences arising out of the interpretation or application of the Convention, the position of the People's Republic of Bulgaria is that, for the submission of a particular dispute to the International Court for settlement, the consent of all parties to the dispute is necessary in each case. This reservation also applies to the provision of the same section that the advisory opinion given by the International Court shall be accepted as decisive. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door Bulgarije bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring: Her Majesty's Government wish to put on record that they are unable to accept these reservations because, in their view, they are not of the kind which intending parties to the Convention have the right to make. De Regering van Bulgarije heeft op 07-08-1989 het gemaakte voorbehoud bij de toetreding tot het Verdrag op 30-09-1960 ingetrokken. |
18 | Toetreding door de Mongoolse Volksrepubliek onder de volgende verklaring: …the Mongolian People's Republic does not consider itself bound by the provisions of Section 30 of the said General Convention, which provide that any difference arising out of the interpretation or application of the present Convention shall be referred to the International Court of Justice; and in such a case the position of the Mongolian People's Republic is that, for submission of a particular dispute to the International Court for settlement, the consent of all the parties to the dispute is necessary in every case. This reservation is equally applicable to the provision that the advisory opinion given by the International Court of Justice shall be accepted as decisive. . Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Mongoolse Volksrepubliek bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring: Her Majesty's Government wish to put on record that they are unable to accept these reservations because, in their view, they are not of the kind which intending parties to the Convention have the right to make. De Regering van Mongolië heeft op 19-07-1990 het gemaakte voorbehoud bij de toetreding tot het Verdrag op 31-05-1962 ingetrokken. |
19 | Toetreding door Mexico onder de volgende verklaring:
20 | Toetreding door Algerije onder de volgende verklaring: The Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria does not consider itself bound by section 30 of the said Convention which provides for the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in the case of differences arising out of the interpretation or application of the Convention. It declares that, for the submission of a particular dispute to the International Court of Justice for settlement, the consent of all parties to the dispute is necessary in each case. This reservation also applies to the provisions of the same section that the advisory opinion given by the International Court of Justice shall be accepted as decisive. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft op 20-06-1967 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door Algerije bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring: Her Majesty's Government wish to put on record that they are unable to accept these reservations because, in their view, they are not of the kind which intending parties to the Convention have the right to make. |
21 | Toetreding door Nepal onder de volgende verklaring: Subject to the reservation with regard to section 18 (c) of the Convention, that United Nations officials of Nepalese nationality shall not be exempt from service obligations applicable to them pursuant to Nepalese law; and Subject to the reservation with regard to section 30 of the Convention, that any difference arising out of the interpretation or application of the Convention to which Nepal is a party, shall be referred to the International Court of Justice only with the specific agreement of His Majesty's Government of Nepal. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft op 20-06-1967 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door Nepal bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring: Her Majesty's Government wish to put on record that they are unable to accept these reservations because, in their view, they are not of the kind which intending parties to the Convention have the right to make. |
22 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Nigeria op 26-06-1961. |
23 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Niger op 25-08-1961. |
24 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Kameroen op 20-10-1961. |
25 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Ivoorkust op 08-12-1961. |
26 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Togo op 27-02-1962. |
27 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Sierra Leone op 13-03-1962. |
28 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Madagascar op 23-05-1962. |
29 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van de Centraalafrikaanse Republiek op 04-09-1962. |
30 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Kongo (brazzaville) op 15-10-1962. |
31 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Senegal op 27-05-1963. |
32 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Cyprus op 05-11-1963. |
33 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Singapore op 18-03-1966. |
34 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Gambia op 01-08-1966. |
35 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Malta op 27-06-1968. |
36 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Mauritius op 18-07-1969. |
37 | Toetreding door de Verenigde Staten van Amerika onder de volgende verklaring:
38 | Toetreding door Indonesië onder de volgende verklaring: Article I(b) section 1: The capacity of the United Nations to acquire and dispose of immovable property shall be exercised with due regard to national laws and regulations. Article VIII section 30: With regard to competence of the International Court of Justice in disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the Convention, the Government of Indonesia reserves the right to maintain that in every individual case the agreement of the parties to the dispute is required before the Court for a ruling. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft op 21-09-1972 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door Indonesië bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring betreffende artikel VIII: The United Kingdom Government wish to put on record that they are unable to accept this reservation because, in their view, it is not of the kind which intending parties to the Convention have the right to make. |
39 | Toetreding door de Duitse Democratische Republiek onder de volgende verklaring: The German Democratie Republic does not consider itself bound by the provision of Section 30 of the Convention, which provides for the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, and, with regard. to the competence of the International Court of Justice for disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the Convention, takes the view that in every single case the consent of all parties to the dispute shall be necessary to refer a particular dispute to the International Court of Justice for decision. This reservation applies equally to the provision contained in this Section according to which the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice shall be accepted as decisive. . Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Duitse Democratische Republiek bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring. |
40 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Fidji op 21-06-1971. |
41 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Barbados op 10-01-1972. |
42 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Zambia op 16-06-1975. |
43 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Papoea Nieuw-Guinea op 04-12-1975. |
44 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Bahamas op 17-03-1977. |
45 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Bangladesh op 13-01-1978. |
46 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Djibouti op 06-04-1978. |
47 | Toetreding door China onder de volgende verklaring: The Government of the People's Republic of China has reservations on section 30, article VIII, of the Convention. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft op 08-11-1979 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door China bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring: The United Kingdom Government wish to put on record that they are unable to accept this reservation because, in their view, it is not of the kind which intending parties to the Convention have the right to make. |
48 | Toetreding door Vietnam onder de volgende verklaring:
Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft op 30-01-1990 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door Vietnam bij de toetreding afgelegde verklaring betreffende artikel VIII: The instrument of accession deposited by the Government of Viet Nam contains a reservation relating to Article VIII, Section 30, of the Convention concerning the settlement of disputes over the interpretation or application of the Convention. The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have consistently stated that they are unable to accept reservations in respect of Article VIII, Section 30. In their view, these are not the kind of reservations which intending parties to the Convention have the right to make. Accordingly, the Government of the United Kingdom do not accept the reservation entered by the Government of Viet Nam against Article VIII, Section 30, of the Convention. |
49 | Toetreding door Zuid-Korea onder de volgende verklaring: The Government of the Republic of Korea, having considered the said Convention, hereby accedes to the same declaring that the provisions of paragraph (c) of section 18 of Article V shall not apply with respect to Korean nationals. |
50 | Toetreding door Bahrein onder de volgende verklaring: The accession by the State of Bahrain to the said Convention shall in no way constitute recognition of Israel or be a cause for the establishment of any relations of any kind therewith. |
51 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Sint Lucia op 27-08-1986. |
52 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Dominica op 24-11-1987. |
53 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Antigua en Barbuda op 25-10-1988. |
54 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Slovenië op 06-07-1992. |
55 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Kroatië op 12-10-1992. |
56 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van de Tsjechische Republiek op 22-02-1993. |
57 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Slowakije op 28-05-1993. |
58 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van de Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek Macedonië op 18-08-1993. |
59 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Bosnië-Herzegowina op 01-09-1993. |
60 | Toetreding door de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland onder de verklaring, dat het Verdrag vanaf de datum van inwerkingtreding voor de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland, mede van toepassing zal zijn op Berlijn (West). |
61 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van de Federatieve Republiek Joegoslavië op 12-03-2001. |
62 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Tanzania op 26-04-1964. |
63 | Toetreding door Saudi-Arabië onder de volgende verklaring: The Government of Saudi Arabia is not bound by the text of Section 30 of Article VIII. On 1 February 2016 the Secretary-General received from the Government of Saudi Arabia the following clarification regarding the reservation to Article VIII, Section 30: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not consider itself bound by the provisions of Section 30 of the aforementioned Convention which provides for the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in the case of differences arising out of the interpretation or application of the Convention, and declares that the consent of the Parties to a given dispute is always necessary in order for the dispute to be referred to the [C]ourt for settlement. Furthermore, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not consider the advisory opinion given by the [I]nternational Court of Justice to be decisive in respect of differences that might arise between the United Nations and a Member State, as indicated in above-mentioned Section 30. |
64 | Verklaringen van voortgezette gebondenheid van de Tsjechische Republiek op 22-02-1993 en van Slowakije op 28-05-1993. |
65 | Verklaringen van voortgezette gebondenheid van Slovenië op 06-07-1992, van Kroatië op 12-10-1992, van de Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek Macedonië op 18-08-1993, van Bosnië-Herzegowina op 01-09-1993 en van de Federatieve Republiek Joegoslavië op 12-03-2001. |
66 | Verklaringen van voortgezette gebondenheid van Niger op 25-08-1961, van Kameroen op 20-10-1961, van Ivoorkust op 08-12-1961, van Togo op 27-02-1962, van Madagascar op 23-05-1962, van de Centraalafrikaanse Republiek op 04-09-1962, Kongo (brazzaville) op 15-10-1962, Senegal op 27-05-1963 en van Djibouti op 06-04-1978. |
67 | Verklaringen van voortgezette gebondenheid van de Federatie van Malakka op 28-10-1957, van Nigeria op 26-06-1961, van Kameroen op 20-10-1961, van Sierra Leone op 13-03-1962, Cyprus op 05-11-1963, van Gambia op 01-08-1966, van Malta op 27-06-1968, van Mauritius op 18-07-1969, van Fidji op 21-06-1971, van Barbados op 10-01-1972, van Zambia op 16-06-1975, van Bahamas op 17-03-1977, van Sint Lucia op 27-08-1986, van Dominica op 24-11-1987 en van Antigua en Barbuda op 25-10-1988. |
68 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Singapore op 18-03-1966. |
69 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Papoea Nieuw-Guinea op 04-12-1975. |
70 | Verklaring van voortgezette gebondenheid van Bangladesh op 13-01-1978. |
71 | Litouwen heeft op 17-03-1997 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: The Government of the Republic of Lithuania has made the reservation in respect of article 1 (1) (b), that the United Nations shall not be entitled to acquire land in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, in view of the land regulations laid down by the article 47 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. Explanation Article 47 of the Constitution gives an exhaustive list of subjects who have the right to ownership over land plots. The provisions of article 47 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and other laws of the Republic of Lithuania do not entitle international intergovernmental organizations to own the plot of land. It is important to note that the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and other laws of the Republic of Lithuania provide the right to the subjects, international intergovernmental organizations among others, to long-term land lease which might be up to 99 years. In accordance with procedural and administrative requirements of the national legislation, international intergovernmental organizations, for the effective performance of their obligations, may conclude agreements, acquire and dispose of necessary movable and immovable property and may institute legal proceedings. [The Government of Lithuania] would like to emphasize that this reservation has a temporary character and in light of legal reform, changes in the current legislation are feasible. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft op 03-10-1957 bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door Litouwen op 17-03-1997 afgelegde verklaring: Her Majesty’s Government regret that they are unable to accept the above-mentioned reservation because in their view it is not of the kind which intending parties of the Convention have the right to make. |
72 | Ratificatie door Portugal onder de volgende verklaring: The exemption established in paragraph (b) of section 18 shall not apply with respect to Portuguese Nationals and Residents in the Portuguese Territory which have not acquired this quality for the purpose of the exercise of their activity. Portugal heeft op 15-02-2018 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: Withdrawal of reservation to Section 18(b). |
73 | Toetreding door Venezuela onder de volgende verklaring: [...] article I, section 1(b): The acquisition of immovable property by the United Nations shall be subject to the condition set forth in the Constitution of the Republic of Venezuela and to the restrictions established by the law provided for therein. [...] articles V and VI: Venezuela hereby states that the proviso established in section 15 of article IV of this Convention shall also apply with respect to articles V and VI ejusdem. |
74 | Toetreding door Zuid-Afrika onder de volgende verklaring: The Government of the Republic of South Africa does not consider itself bound by the provisions of Article II, Section 5 in so far as it relates to the buying, selling and holding of gold as certain limitations exist in the Republic regarding the buying, selling and holding of gold. Explanatory note: the buying, selling and holding of gold in the Republic is regulated. In terms of Exchange Control Regulation 2 no person other than an Authorised Dealer may buy or borrow any gold from, or sell to, any person not being an Authorised Dealer, unless exemption from Exchange Control Regulation 5 has been authorised (Mining Houses and Mining Producers may elect to sell their total gold holdings to the approved counter parties, including foreign counter parties, provided that the Exchange Control Department of the South African Reserve Bank has given the necessary exemption from the aforementioned regulation). Pending a decision by the Government of the Republic of South Africa on the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, the Government of the Republic does not consider itself bound by the terms of Article VIII, Section 30 of the Convention which provides for the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in differences arising out of the interpretation or application of the Convention. The Republic will adhere to the position that, for the submission of a particular dispute for settlement by the International Court, the consent of all the parties to the dispute is required in every individual case. This reservation is equally applicable to the provisions contained in the said section, which stipulate that the advisory opinion of the International Court is to be accepted as decisive. |