Verdrag tussen de Staten die Partij zijn bij het Noord-Atlantisch Verdrag en de overige Staten die deelnemen aan het Partnerschap voor de Vrede nopens de rechtspositie van hun krijgsmachten
Partijen en gegevens
Geldend vanaf 13-01-1996
- Redactionele toelichting
De partijen en gegevens zijn afkomstig van de Verdragenbank (
- Bronpublicatie:
19-06-1995, Trb. 1996, 74 (uitgifte: 12-03-1996, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
19-06-1995, Trb. 1996, 74 (uitgifte: 12-03-1996, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Vakgebied(en)
Internationaal publiekrecht / Bijzondere onderwerpen
Trb. 1996, 74
Trb. 1997, 245
Trb. 1999, 2
Trb. 2002, 7
Trb. 2009, 88
Partij | Datum inwerkingtreding | Voorbehoud |
Albanië | 08-06-1996 | |
Armenië | 16-05-2004 | |
Azerbeidzjan | 02-04-2000 | |
België | 09-11-1997 | |
Bosnië Herzegovina | 02-03-2008 | |
Bulgarije | 28-06-1996 | |
Canada | 01-06-1996 | |
Denemarken | 07-08-1999 | |
Duitsland | 24-10-1998 | |
Estland | 06-09-1996 | |
Finland | 01-08-1997 | |
Frankrijk | 02-03-2000 | |
Georgië | 18-06-1997 | |
Griekenland | 30-07-2000 | |
Hongarije | 13-01-1996 | |
Ierland | 09-05-2019 | |
IJsland | 14-06-2007 | |
Italië | 23-10-1998 | |
Kazachstan | 06-12-1997 | |
Kroatië | 10-02-2002 | |
Kyrgyzstan | 24-09-2006 | |
Letland | 19-05-1996 | |
Litouwen | 14-09-1996 | |
Luxemburg | 14-10-2001 | |
Moldavië | 31-10-1997 | |
het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (het Europese deel van Nederland) | 26-07-1997 | |
Noord-Macedonië | 19-07-1996 | |
Noorwegen | 03-11-1996 | |
Oekraïne | 26-05-2000 | |
Oezbekistan | 01-03-1997 | |
Oostenrijk | 02-09-1998 | |
Polen | 04-05-1997 | |
Portugal | 05-03-2000 | |
Roemenië | 05-07-1996 | |
Russische Federatie | 27-09-2007 | |
Slovenië | 17-02-1996 | |
Slowakije | 13-01-1996 | |
Spanje | 06-03-1998 | |
Tsjechië | 26-04-1996 | |
Turkije | 20-05-2000 | |
het Verenigd Koninkrijk | 22-07-1999 | |
de Verenigde Staten van Amerika | 13-01-1996 | |
Zweden | 13-12-1996 | |
Zwitserland | 09-05-2003 |
Voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
1 | Bekrachtiging door Noorwegen onder het volgende voorbehoud: The Government of Norway will be bound by the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces only with respect to those other States participating in the Partnership for Peace which in addition to ratifying the Agreement, also ratify the Additional Protocol to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces . |
2 | Bekrachtiging door Zweden onder het volgende voorbehoud: The Government of Sweden does not consider itself bound by Article I of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their Forces, to the extent that this Article refers to the provisions of Article VII of the agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the status of their Forces, which gives sending States the right to exercise jurisdiction within the territory of a receiving State, when Sweden is such a receiving State. The reservation does not cover appropriate measures taken by the military authorities of sending States which are immediately necessary to ensure the maintenance of order and security within the force . |
3 | Bekrachtiging door het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden onder het volgende voorbehoud: The Kingdom of the Netherlands will be bound by the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces only with respect to those other States participating in the Partnership for Peace which in addition to ratifying, accepting or approving the Agreement, also ratify, accept or approve the Additional Protocol to the Agreement . |
4 | Bekrachtiging door Finland met de volgende verklaring: The acceptance of the jurisdiction by military authorities of a sending state in accordance with Article VII of the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the status of their Forces by Finland does not apply to the exercise, on the territory of Finland, of the jurisdiction by courts of a sending state . |
5 | Bekrachtiging door Oostenrijk onder de volgende verklaringen: … with reference to the signing by Austria of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces, has the honour to draw the attention of NATO to the fact that the Republic of Austria, subject to the approval by the Austrian Parliament, intends to make the attached statements at the occasion of the ratification of the above mentioned agreement by the Republic of Austria. In entering into this Agreement, the Government of Austria wishes to put the PfP signatories on notice that the acceptance of the jurisdiction by military authorities of the sending state in accordance with Article VII of the ‘Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forces’ (‘NATO-SOFA’) by Austria does not apply to the excercise, on the territory of Austria, of the jurisdiction by courts of a sending state; Austria will hand over members of a force or civilian component or their dependents to the authorities of the sending state in accordance with Article VII, Sect. 5a, of this agreement under the condition that the death penalty will not be imposed by the sending state when exercising criminal jurisdiction according to the provisions of Art. VII of this agreement. It is the understanding of Austria
[List referenced in paragraph 2(ii) follows] Liste des gemäsz dem österreichischen Kriegsmaterialgesetz zu behandelnden Kriegsmaterials
. |
6 | Bekrachtiging door Duitsland onder de volgende verklaringen: It is the understanding of the Federal Republic of Germany that Article I of the Agreement of 19 June 1995 among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their Forces shall not affect the EU legislation applicable in the Federal Republic of Germany with regard to the exemption of foreign armed forces and their members from taxes and duties. It is the understanding of the Federal Republic of Germany that, in accordance with the meaning and purpose of the Agreement of 19 June 1995 among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their forces, Article II thereof does not conflict with the application of the Agreement throughout the whole territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. . |
7 | Bekrachtiging door het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland onder het voorbehoud dat ‘any exemptions from duties or taxes shall apply to the extent permissible under the laws of the European Community.’. |
8 | Ratificatie door Denemarken onder de volgende verklaring: … pending further decision, the Agreement will not apply to the Faroe islands or to Greenland. . |
9 | Ratificatie door Griekenland onder de volgende verklaring: Regarding the signing of this Agreement by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Hellenic Republic declares that its own signing of the said Agreement can in no way be interpreted as an acceptance from its part, or as recognition in any form and content of a name other than that of ‘the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’, under which the Hellenic Republic has recognized the said country and under which the latter had joined the NATO ‘Partnership for Peace’ Programme, where resolution 817/93 of UN Security Council was taken into consideration. . |
10 | Ratificatie door Zwitserland onder de volgende voorbehouden en verklaring: On Ratification of the Agreement among the States parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their forces, dated 19 June 1995 and the Additional Protocol to the said Agreement, Switzerland formulates the following reservations and declaration relating to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their forces (Status of the NATO troops), dated 19 June 1951: Reservation concerning Article VII Paragraphs 5 and 6:
Reservation concerning Article XIII Switzerland grants administrative or legal assistance in fiscal matters. The object of administrative assistance is the correct application of the agreements regarding the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of their improper use. Switzerland offers legal assistance only in case of fiscal fraud and on condition of reciprocity. Declaration concerning Article VII The acceptance by Switzerland of the penal and disciplinary jurisdiction of foreign military authorities of a sending state according to Article VII of the NATO-NATO-Status[lees: the NATO-Status] of Forces Agreement does not apply to the proceedings, the deliberation and pronouncement of the judgement by a criminal court of the sending state on the territory of Switzerland. . |
11 | Ratificatie door de Russische Federatie onder de volgende verklaring: In order to implement the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of Their Forces, signed June 19, 1995, the Russian Federation proceeds from the following understanding of the provisions of the Agreement among the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of Their Forces, of June 19, 1951 (hereinafter the Agreement):
. Litouwen heeft op 09-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen:
. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft op 09-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: Article III(4) NATO SOFA. The United Kingdom considers that the Russian statement purports to modify the legal effect of the Partnership for Peace Agreement in its application to the Russian Federation in respect of Article III(4) of the NATO SOFA which applies by virtue of Article I of the Partnership for Peace Agreement and is accordingly a reservation. The United Kingdom objects to this reservation because it seeks to create a new obligation for Parties to the Partnership for Peace Agreement. Article VI NATO SOFA. The United Kingdom considers that the Russian statement purports to modify the legal effect of the Partnership for Peace Agreement in its application to the Russian Federation in respect of Article VI of the NATO SOFA which applies to the Russian Federation by virtue of Article I of the Partnership for Peace Agreement and is accordingly a reservation. This seeks to create a new obligation for Parties to the Partnership for Peace Agreement, on the basis of reciprocity. The United Kingdom objects to this reservation and does not accept that it would be applied on a reciprocal basis between itself and the Russian Federation. Article VII(2c) NATO SOFA. The United Kingdom is concerned by the breadth of the Russian statement in respect of Article VII(2c) NATO SOFA. To the extent that any offences directed against the foundations of the Russian constitutional system and security go wider than those which can be considered to fall within Article VII(2c), the United Kingdom considers that the statement modifies the legal effect of the Partnership for Peace Agreement in its application to the Russian Federation in respect of Article VII (2c) of the NATO SOFA which applies to the Russian Federation by virtue of Article I of the Partnership for Peace Agreement and amounts to a reservation. The United Kingdom objects to the statement on the basis that it appears very wide in scope and does not clearly define for the other Parties to the Partnership for Peace Agreement the scope of the list of offences applying in the case of the Russian Federation. Article VII(4) NATO SOFA. The United Kingdom considers that the Russian statement purports to modify the legal effect of the Partnership for Peace Agreement in its application to the Russian Federation in respect of Article VII (4) of the NATO SOFA which applies to the Russian Federation by virtue of Article I of the Partnership for Peace Agreement. It is accordingly a reservation. The United Kingdom objects because it purports to create a new right for the Russian Federation under the Partnership for Peace Agreement. Article VII (6a) NATO SOFA. The United Kingdom considers that the Russian statement purports to modify the legal effect of the Partnership for Peace Agreement in its application to the Russian Federation in respect of Article VII (6a) of the NATO SOFA which applies to the Russian Federation by virtue of Article I of the Partnership for Peace Agreement. It is accordingly a reservation. The United Kingdom objects to this reservation because it seeks to create a new right for the Russian Federation in the event that the Russian Federation is the requested State and a corresponding obligation for the other Parties when they are the requesting State. Article XI NATO SOFA. The United Kingdom considers the Russian statements purport to modify the legal effect of the Partnership for Peace Agreement in its application to the Russian Federation in respect of Article XI of the NATO SOFA which applies to the Russian Federation by virtue of Article I of the Partnership for Peace Agreement. They are accordingly reservations. The United Kingdom is particularly concerned by the numerous references to national legislation, the intention not to treat official documents under official seal as inviolable and the purported creation of new obligations for the other Parties to the Partnership for Peace Agreement. It accordingly objects to these reservations. Certified Translations. The Russian statement would create an additional obligation for the other Parties to the Partnership for Peace Agreement without their consent in respect of the application of the NATO SOFA which applies to the Russian Federation by virtue of Article I of the Partnership for Peace Agreement. The United Kingdom accordingly considers that this statement purports to modify the legal effect of the Partnership for Peace Agreement. It is therefore a reservation. The United Kingdom objects to it on the basis that it purports to create an obligation for the other Parties to the Partnership for Peace Agreement. The United Kingdom is of the view that the cumulative effect of the reservations is to undermine the integrity of the Partnership for Peace Agreement and also the NATO SOFA as it is applied by virtue of Article I of the Partnership for Peace Agreement. The United Kingdom considers that the entry into force of the Partnership for Peace Agreement between itself and the Russian Federation is precluded. Accordingly the Partnership for Peace Agreement does not apply between the United Kingdom and the Russian Federation. . België heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium has reviewed the declarations made by the Russian Federation when it ratified the the[lees: the] Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces and the Additional Protocol, done at Brussels June 19, 1995. The Belgian Government considers that the Russian declarations regarding Article VII, paragraphs 2c, 4, and 6a, and the requirement for a certified translation into Russian of all documents and annexes, are inconsistent with the aim and purpose of the Agreement. The Belgian Government notes that under Article 19(c) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, no reservation that is incompatible with the object and purpose of the Agreement can be made. Therefore, the Belgian Government objects to the above-mentioned reservations by the Russian Federation regarding the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces and the Additional Protocol, done at Brussels June 19, 1995. Belgium wishes to point out that this objection is not an obstacle to the entry into force of the Agreement between Belgium and the Russian Federation. According to the Belgian Government, the declarations by the Russian Federation concerning Article III, paragraph 4 and Article VI create obligations that are not provided under the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces and the Additional Protocol, done at Brussels June 19, 1995. In the opinion of the Belgian Government, these additional demands could be addressed under specific arrangements concluded at the time of joint activities. The declaration regarding Article XI is acceptable to the Belgian Government, except for the passage referring to separate agreements. Belgium believes that the terms and procedures governing importation must be uniform for all the forces and can only vary on the basis of objective and uniform criteria applicable to all the forces of all the nations concerned and not on the basis of spearate agreements. . Canada heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: Canada considers that the Statement of the Russian Federation is incompatible with provisions of the Agreement Between Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of their Forces, done in London on 19 June 1951. Pursuant to Article 1 of the Agreement Among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces, all States Parties shall apply the provisions of the Agreement Between Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of their Forces, done in London on 19 June 1951 as if they were Parties to it. Canada objects to the Statement of the Russian Federation on the basis that it constitutes a Reservation incompatible with Article 1 of the Agreement Among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces. . Denemarken heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Government of Denmark considers the provisions as set out in item 1-6 of the Statement of the Government of the Russian Federation as reservations incompatible with the provisions of the Agreement between Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the status of their forces, done at London on 19 June 1951 (NATO SOFA). NATO SOFA is applicable as Article I in the PfP SOFA provides, except as otherwise provided for in the PfP SOFA, that all States Parties to the PfP SOFA shall apply the provisions of the NATO SOFA, as if all State Parties to PfP SOFA were Parties to the NATO SOFA. The Government of Denmark objects to the provisions as set out in item 1-6 of the Statement of the Government of the Russian Federation as reservations incompatible with the PfP SOFA Article I. The Government of Denmark considers the provision set out in item 7 of the Statement of the Russian Federation concerning translations into Russian as a new obligation in addition to the PfP SOFA. The Government of Denmark does not accept the provision. Therefore the provision is not in force in the relation between the Government of Denmark and the Government of the Russian Federation concerning PfP SOFA. The objections do not preclude that the PfP SOFA is in force between the Government of Denmark and the Government of the Russian Federation. . Duitsland heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Federal Republic of Germany attaches great importance to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces (PfP Status of Forces Agreement) and welcomes its ratification by the Russian Federation. The Federal Republic of Germany is convinced that this Agreement has brought benefits to all participating States. However, the Federal Republic of Germany believes it necessary to object as follows to the statements on the Agreement of 19 June 1995 among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces (PfP Status of Forces Agreement) submitted by the Russian Federation on depositing its instrument of ratification and which the Federal Republic of Germany received on 18 September 2007. The designation of the individual regulations relates to the Agreement of 19 June 1951 between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of their Forces (NATO Status of Forces Agreement), as the States Parties to the PfP Status of Forces Agreement apply the NATO Status of Forces Agreement as if they were parties to the NATO Status of Forces Agreement. The Federal Republic of Germany believes it is especially necessary to object because the statements of the Russian Federation refer to domestic Russian law and this creates uncertainty regarding the actual applicable legal provisions.
. Estland heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Government of the Republic of Estonia has carefully examined the statements made by the Russian Federation upon the ratification of the Agreement among the States parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their forces, done on 19 June 1995 (hereinafter PfP SOFA), and the Additional Protocol thereto. By virtue of Article I of the PfP SOFA the provisions of the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the status of their forces, done on 19 June 1951 (hereinafter the NATO SOFA) apply to the Parties of the PfP SOFA as if they were parties to the NATO SOFA, except as otherwise provided for in the PfP SOFA and any additional protocol thereto. The Government of the Republic of Estonia considers the statements made by the Russian Federation relating to Article VI, sub-paragraph c of paragraph 2 of Article VII, paragraph 4 of Article VII, sub-paragraph a of paragraph 6 of Article VII and Article XI of the NATO SOFA, and the statement concerning the translation of documents to Russian, to be reservations that are contrary to the object and purpose of the NATO SOFA.
The Government of the Republic of Estonia therefore objects to the aforesaid reservations made by the Russian Federation upon the ratification on the PfP SOFA. This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the PfP SOFA between the Republic of Estonia and the Russian Federation. The PfP SOFA enters into force between the Republic of Estonia and the Russian Federation in its entirety without the Russian Federation benefiting from its reservations. . Frankrijk heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Government of the French Republic has examined the statements made by the Russian Federation during its ratification of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces, done at Brussels on June 19, 1995 (hereinafter "the Agreement"). These statements elicit the following statements and objections from the Government of the French Republic. The Government of the French Republic understands that the Russian Federation's statement relative to Article VI of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forces [done at London on June 19, 1951; hereinafter "NATO SOFA"], is subordinate to a condition of reciprocity and therefore cannot alone have an effect on the French Republic's interpretations of this provision. The Government of the French Republic objects to the Russian Federation's statement concerning Article VII, 2 (c) of NATO SOFA due to its vague, imprecise nature. This objection has no effect on the competence of the State of origin pursuant to article VII, 2 (a), of the NATO SOFA. The Government of the French Republic considers that the Russian Federation's statement concerning article VII, §4 of the NATO SOFA can have no effect on the provisions of this article, nor can it confer upon the State of origin rights that exceed those acknowledged in Article VII, §10 of the NATO SOFA. The Government of the French Republic has examined the Russian Federation's statement concerning the procedures and conditions for importing the goods mentioned in article XI, §4 of the NATO SOFA. The Government of the French Republic objects to this statement, which by subordinating the effect of this provision to the conclusion of separate agreements, undermines its legally binding scope. The Government of the French Republic has examined the Russian Federation's Statement concerning the Provisions of Article XI of the NATO SOFA, including paragraphs 3 and 8. By affirming that none of these provisions restricts the jurisdiction of its customs authorities and, notably, its prerogatives with respect to monitoring compliance for imports by virtue of its national legislation, the Russian Federation seems to go beyond the wording of Article XI §1 of the NATO SOFA and makes it unclear, in particular, whether it intends to respect the inviolability of official documents under an official seal, as provided in §3 of that article. Consequently, the Government of the French Republic objects to this statement, which constitutes a vague and imprecise reservation. The Government of the French Republic has examined the Russian Federation's statement that the transit of goods and vehicles must be in compliance with Russian customs law. Without specifying the effect of the implementation of customs law in this regard, this statement must be considered a vague and imprecise reservation that makes it impossible to know whether the Russian Federation, as a "receiving state" within the meaning of Article 1 (e) of the NATO SOFA, will apply the customs exemptions provided by the Agreement to the goods and vehicles of a force transiting its territory. The Government of the French Republic has examined the Russian Federation's statement concerning the "importation of the vehicles that are mentioned in Article XI, (2), (5) and (6) of the Agreement and intended for personal use by members of the civil component ant their family members." Given the vague ant imprecise nature of this statement and the uncertainties it elicits with respect to the specific scope of application of the provisions to which it relates, the Government of the French Republic considers this statement a reservation to which it must object. The Government of the French Republic considers that Russian Federation's statement concerning the certified Russian translation of documents sent to it pursuant to the London Agreement does not constitute a simple interpretation of the existing provisions of that Agreement, and that it is aiming to establish an additional obligation for other States Party to the Agreement. The Government of the French Republic does not consider itself bound by such a statement. These declarations and objections do not constitute an obstacle to the entry in force of the Agreement between the French Republic and the Russian Federation. . Griekenland heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: Greece understands that the statement accompanying the instrument of ratification by the Russian Federation of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces of the 19th of June 1995, shall not affect the application by the Russian Federation of the provisions of the above Agreement. . Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands has carefully examined the statements made by the Russian Federation upon ratification of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their forces (hereinafter referred to as "the PfP Agreement") and the Additional Protocol thereto. The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands considers that the statements of the Russian Federation regarding Article III, paragraph 4, Article VI, Article VII, paragraph 2c, Article VII, paragraph 4, Article VII paragraph 6a and Article XI of the Agreement Between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of Their Forces, done in London on 19 June 1951 (hereinafter referred to as "the NATO Agreement"), and applied on the basis of the PfP Agreement, as well as the statement relating to the translation of documents into Russian must in fact be considered reservations, since they have the effect of modifying and/or complementing the scope of the obligations arising from the PfP Agreement or make it unclear for the other Parties to the PfP Agreement to identify to what extent the Government of the Russian Federation intends to modify and/or complement the obligations arising from the PfP Agreement. The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands considers that the cumulative effect of these reservations must be regarded as incompatible with the object and purpose of the PfP Agreement and therefore contrary to Article 19, paragraph c of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. For this reason, the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands objects to the reservations regarding Article III, paragraph 4, Article VI, Article VII, paragraph 2c, Article VII, paragraph 4, Article VII, paragraph 6a and Article XI of the NATO Agreement, applied on the basis of the PfP Agreement, as well as the statement relating to the translation of documents into Russian, made by the Government of the Russian Federation upon ratification of the PfP Agreement. These objections do not constitute an obstacle to the entry into force of the PfP Agreement and Additional Protocol between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Russian Federation. The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands considers that the reservations and objections thereto are without prejudice to the implementation, through further agreements between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Russian Federation concluded within the PfP-framework, of the PfP Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Russian Federation.. . Kroatië heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: ... with regard to the statement of the Russian Federation attached to its instrument of ratification of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces (hereinafter: PfP SOFA) and the Additional Protocol to the Agreement, to communicate its position as follows: The Republic of Croatia takes note of the abovementioned statement which expresses the understanding of the Russian Federation of the scope of some provisions of the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forces, done in London on 19 June 1951 (hereinafter: the NATO Agreement). The Republic of Croatia holds that the abovementioned statement contains certain interpretations of some provisions of the NATO Agreement that could affect the implementation of the PfP SOFA. In this context, the Republic of Croatia expresses its view that the PfP SOFA should be interpreted and implemented in accordance with its subject and purpose. The Republic of Croatia holds that any possible divergence relating to the interpretation and implementation of the PfP SOFA should be overcome in the future through the conclusion of technical arrangements. . Letland heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Government of Latvia has carefully examined the "Statements" made by the Russian Federation to the PfP SOFA upon ratification. Thus, the Government of the Republic of Latvia is of the opinion that most of the statements are in fact unilateral acts deemed to limit the scope of application of the PfP SOFA and therefore shall be regarded as reservations. Namely, statements on Art. III (4), Art. VI, Art. VII (4), Art. XI (2), (4), (5), (6) (Russian Federation's Statement No. 6, para. 1), Art. XI (3) (Russian Federation's Statement No.6 para. 3), Art.XI (Russian Federation's Statement No. 6 para. 5), Art XI (11) (Russian Federation's Statement No. 6 para. 6), Art. XI (2), (5), (6) (Russian Federation's Statement No. 6 para. 7), Art. XI (Russian Federation's Statement No. 6 para. 8) and Russian Federations Statement No. 7 regarding all the PfP SOFA and the translation of all documents related to fulfilment of the PfP SOFA. Moreover, The Government of the Republic of Latvia has noted that the statements do not make it clear to what extent the Russian Federation considers itself bound by the provisions of the PfP SOFA and whether the way of implementation of the provisions of the aforementioned Agreement is in line with the object and purpose of the Agreement. The Government of the Republic of Latvia therefore objects to the following reservations made by the Russian Federation to the Agreement among the States parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their forces and the Additional Protocol thereto:
However, these objections shall not preclude the entry into force of the PfP Sofa between the Republic of Latvia and the Russian Federation. Thus, the PfP SOFA will become operative without Russian Federation benefiting from its reservations. . Noorwegen heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Government of the Kingdom of Norway hereby states that in the implementation between the Kingdom of Norway and the Russian Federation of the Agreement Among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of Their Forces, the Kingdom of Norway expects the provisions of the above-mentioned Agreement and, by subsequent application, the provisions of the Agreement Between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forces, done in London on 19 June 1951, to take precedence in case of conflicting national legislation, in accordance with the principles of international law. The Kingdom of Norway considers itself under no legal obligation to make available certified translations of written documents within the framework of the above-mentioned Agreement. . Portugal heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Portuguese Republic welcomes the deposit by the Russian Federation of the Instrument of Ratification of the Agreement among the States parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and Other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces, dated 19 June 1995 and its Additional Protocol, dated 19 June 1995. However, the Instrument of Ratification contains understandings that exclude or modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the Agreement among the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forces, of 19 June 1951, hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement". These reservations on articles III(4), VI, VII(2), VII(4), VII(6), XI, and on the use of Russian language are incompatible with the object and purpose of "the Agreement". The Portuguese Republic therefore objects to the above mentioned reservations made by the Russian Federation to the Agreement. In the absence of implementing arrangements between the Portuguese Republic and the Russian Federation, the regime of "the Agreement" should prevail and no internal law should override the provisions of "the Agreement". These objections shall not preclude the entry into force of "the Agreement" in the relations between the Portuguese Republic and the Russian Federation. . Roemenië heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: Romania carefully assessed the statement made by the Russian Federation upon ratification of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces (19 June 1995) (NATO PfP SOFA) and of its Additional Protocol and considers the following: Romania understands the arguments of the Russian Federation for making the mentioned statement and emphasizes distinctively the decision of the Russian Federation to become a Party to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces and to its Additional Protocol. Romania recalls that, according to Article I of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces, "except as otherwise provided for in the Present Agreement and any Additional Protocol in respect to its own Parties, all States Parties to the Present Agreement shall apply the provisions of the Agreement between Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the status of their forces, done at London on 19 June 1951, hereinafter referred to as the NATO SOFA, as if all State Parties to the Present Agreement were Parties to the NATO SOFA. Romania is of the opinion that the elements contained in the declaration of the Russian Federation represent, in fact, specific details which, usually, are the object of arrangements for the effective implementation of the NATO PfP SOFA. The provisions of NATO SOFA, which apply mutatis mutandis to the NATO PfP SOFA, set the general framework in the field of the status of forces. Romania considers that the particular statements of the Russian Federation concerning Art. III (4), Art. VI, Art. VII (2c), Art.VII (4), Art. VII (6) and Art. XI (paras. 2-6, 8, 11) of the NATO SOFA are, in fact, reservations incompatible with the object and purpose of the Agreement for the following reasons: As far as Art. III (4) is concerned, the statement of the Russian Federation supplements the conventional text in the sense that it imposes on the Parties new obligations not covered by the NATO SOFA. Obligations of the nature could be undertaken by the sending State only unilaterally, on the basis of its own, discretionary decision. Concerning Art. VI, the statement of the Russian Federation is a reservation contrary to the object and purpose of Art. VI as it adds-on to the text of the NATO SOFA, widening its application and converting, into a firm obligation, the discretionary approach of the sending States with regard to the requests of the receiving States. With regard to Art. VII (2c), the statement is problematic due to its references to the Russian criminal law provisions and, especially, to the fundaments of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. Thus, it is not clear which are the obligations assumed by the Russian Federation on the basis of this article. The provisions of Art. VII are adequately comprehensible and broad in order to guarantee that any crime committed falling under its application, is sanctioned. Regarding Art. VII (4), the statement is a reservation contrary to the object and purpose of that paragraph, as it creates new obligations not considered by the mentioned article. The declaration aims for the effective exercise of jurisdiction by the sending State, and not for setting up a cooperation procedure between the authorities of the sending State end those of the receiving State in the spirit of Art. VII (6a). With reference to art. VII (6), the statement is a reservation contrary to the object and purpose of the mentioned article, as it relies on the legal provisions of the requested State which can be so restrictive as to impede the effective cooperation between the authorities of the States involved and, consequently, the granting of the requested assistance pursuant to paragraph 6 letter a). Should the declaration of the Russian Federation have this effect, Romanian qualifies it a reservation contrary to the object and purpose of the Agreement and, therefore, objects to it. As regards Art. XI (paras. 2-6, 8, 11), the statement of the Russian Federation is a reservation contrary to the object and purpose of the Agreement. The reliance on the internal legislation in the field of customs makes it difficult to asses which is the legal regime of the imports and exports envisaged by Art. XI. As far as the last statement of the Russian Federation is concerned, that the documents addressed to it on the basis of the Agreement must be accompanied by a certified translation into the Russian language, Romania considers that this is a new obligation not envisaged by the NATO SOFA. Therefore, Romania states that this obligation cannot be imposed on it, and, thus, does not consider itself bound by it. Consequently, Romania objects to the abovementioned statement made by the Russian Federation upon the ratification of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces (19 June 1995) and of its Additional Protocol. This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the NATO PfP SOFA, in its entirety, between Romania and the Russian Federation. . Slovenië heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Republic of Slovenia considers the statements of the Russian Federation made upon the ratification of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States Participating in the Partnership for peace regarding the Status of their Forces, done in Brussels on 19 June 1995, and the Additional Protocol Thereto as reservations and objects to them. The Republic of Slovenia considers the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States Participating in the Partnership for peace regarding the Status of their Forces as remaining in force between the Republic of Slovenia and the Russian Federation in its original Text as done in Brussels on 19 June 1995. . Slowakije heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: According to the Article 19 and subsequent Articles of the Vienna convention on the Law of Treaties (Vienna 1969), Slovak Republic hereby raises the objection to the Statements made by the Russian Federation at the occasion of the ratification of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces, done in Brussels, on June 19, 1995 (PfP SOFA) and the Additional Protocol thereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Statements"). Slovak Republic considers the Statements as reservations to the PfP SOFA as they modify or complement existing obligations to the other Parties to the PfP SOFA or create new obligations to these Parties. However, Slovak Republic considers these reservations as not precluding the entry of the PfP SOFA into force, while all the provisions to which Statements were made will be reciprocally applicable to the extent agreed in separate arrangements to be made for the implementation of the PfP SFOA during the sending and receiving of the Armed Forces of the Parties to the PfP SOFA. . Turkije heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Government of the Republic of Turkey notes that the said statements concerning Article III, paragraph 4, Article VI, Article VII, paragraph 2c, Article VII, paragraph 4, Article VII, paragraph 6a and Article XI of the Agreement, in so far they purport to exclude or modify the legal scope and effect of the said Articles in their application, constitute reservations regardless of the way in which they are presented. The Government of the Republic of Turkey objects to the aforementioned statements to the extent as their application negatively affects the compliance by the Russian Federation with its obligations under the Agreement. In the view of the Government of the Republic of Turkey, the articles of the Agreement to which the Russian Federation entered statements can only be interpreted in accordance with the established rules of international law. Therefore, the Government of the Republic of Turkey considers any unilateral interpretation of the Agreement by the Russian Federation in contradiction to such rules of international law and having the effect of modifying the scope of the said articles either by invoking internal law or by other means unacceptable. The Government of the Republic of Turkey also objects to the reservation made by the Russian Federation on the certified Russian translation of the documents exchanged with this country in connection with the implementation of the Agreement. This objection, however, would not preclude the entry into force of the Agreement between the Republic of Turkey and the Russian Federation. . De Verenigde Staten van Amerika heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen:
. Zweden heeft op 12-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Government of Sweden has examined the Statement made by the Russian Federation upon ratification of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of Their Forces ("The Partnership for Peace Agreement") and the Additional Protocol thereto. The provisions of the NATO SOFA apply according to Article I of the Partnership for Peace Agreement to the Parties to the Partnership for Peace Agreement as if they were Parties to the NATO SOFA, except as otherwise provided for in the Partnership for Peace Agreement and any Additional Protocol thereto. The Government of Sweden recalls that the designation assigned to a statement whereby the legal effect of certain provisions of a treaty is excluded or modified does not determine its status as a reservation to the treaty. The Government of Sweden considers that the Statement made by the Russian Federation regarding subparagraph 2 (c) and 4 of Article VII, Article XI and the presumption regarding certified translations of NATO SOFA in substance constitutes reservations to the Partnership for Peace Agreement in respect of these provisions. Subparagraph c of Article VII (2) NATO SOFA. If the Russian statement is to be understood to seek the addition of offences to those which otherwise might fall within the scope of Article VII (2) c of the NATO SOFA, the Government of Sweden considers that the statement would seek to modify the legal effect of the Partnership for Peace Agreement in its application to the Russian Federation. It thus constitutes a reservation to which Sweden objects. Article VII (4) NATO SOFA. The Government of Sweden is concerned about the wide scope of application of this Russian presumption, which would seem to seek to widen the field of Russian jurisdiction and thus modify the legal effect of the Partnership for Peace Agreement in its application to the Russian Federation in respect of Article VII (4) NATO SOFA. It therefore constitutes a reservation to which Sweden objects. In this context, Sweden recalls its reservation of November 13, 1996, regarding jurisdiction in the receiving State. Further regarding Article XI. The references to Russian national legislation aim to make the Partnership for Peace Agreement subject to national Russian legislation. The Russian Statement would seem to seek to modify the legal effect of the Partnership for Peace Agreement in its application to the Russian Federation in respect of Article XI NATO SOFA. It thus constitutes a reservation to which Sweden objects. The Statement also presumes certified translation into the Russian language of documents and materials appended to them. This would constitute an additional obligation for the other Parties to the Partnership for Peace Agreement and would seem to seek to modify the Legal effect of the Partnership for Peace Agreement in its application to the Russian Federation. It thus constitutes a reservation to which Sweden objects. The Government of Sweden therefore objects to the aforesaid reservations made by the Russian Federation to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces and the Additional Protocol thereto. This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the Partnership for Peace Agreement and the additional Protocol thereto between the Russian Federation and Sweden, as modified by the reservation made by Sweden. The Partnership for Peace Agreement and the additional Protocol thereto enters into force between the Russian Federation and Sweden without the Russian Federation benefiting from its reservation. . Finland heeft op 19-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Government of Finland considers that the statement submitted by the Russian Federation upon the ratification of the said Agreement and the Additional Protocol aims at excluding or modifying the legal effect of certain provisions of the Agreement among the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of Their Forces (the Nato SOFA) which apply to the Parties of PfP SOFA by virtue of Article I thereof. Article VII(2)(c) of the Nato SOFA. The Government of Finland expresses its concern about the statement by the Russian Federation concerning Article VII(2)(c) of the Nato SOFA which seem to seek to widen the scope of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation beyond the provisions of Article VII of the Nato SOFA. Finland considers that this statement constitutes a reservation. Article VII(4) of the Nato SOFA. The Government of Finland expresses its concern about the statement by the Russian Federation concerning Article VII(4) of the Nato SOFA which seems to seek to widen the scope of jurisdiction of a sending State over persons who are nationals of or ordinarily resident in the receiving State. Finland considers that this statement constitutes a reservation. Finland recalls also in this connection the declaration included in the instrument of ratification of the Pfp SOFA by Finland concerning the exercise, on the territory of Finland, of the jurisdiction by courts of a sending state. Requirement of duly certified translations. The Russian Federation also presumes that documents and materials appended to them that are sent to its competent authorities within the framework of the Agreement will be accompanied by duly certified translations into the Russian language. The Government of Finland recalls Article III(2)(b) of the Nato SOFA and notes that such a requirement would constitute an additional obligation for other Parties to the PfP SOFA which would unduly hamper the co-operation under this Treaty. The Government of Finland objects to this requirement. Reservations concerning the division of jurisdiction by the Russian Federation concern the very core of the PfP SOFA and undermine the object and purpose of the Treaty. The Government of Finland therefore objects to the aforesaid reservations and considers that such reservations are without legal effect between the Russian Federation and Finland. This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the PfP SOFA and the Additional Protocol thereto between the Russian Federation and Finland. . Tsjechië heeft op 25-09-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Czech Republic considers this Statement of the Russian Federation as reservations incompatible with the provisions of the Agreement Between Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of their Forces and the PfP SOFA, because this Statement refers to the Russian law in a manner that creates uncertainty regarding the legal rules to be applied among the States Parties of the PfP SOFA. Therefore, the Czech Republic objects to this Statement of the Russian Federation. This objection, however, does not preclude that the PfP SOFA is in force between the Czech Republic and Russian Federation. . Italië heeft op 17-10-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: After careful appraisal, the Government of the Republic of Italy hereby declares that the cited statement does not prevent the entry into force of the Agreement between the Republic of Italy and the Russian Federation, nor does it in any way prejudice the full effectiveness of said Agreement. Furthermore, the Government of the Republic of Italy declares that in the implementation between the Republic of Italy and the Russian Federation of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of Their Forces, the Republic of Italy expects that the provisions of the mentioned Agreement will prevail in case of conflicting national legislation, in accordance with the principles of international law. . Bulgarije heeft op 23-12-2008 het volgende bezwaar gemaakt tegen de door de Russische Federatie bij de ratificatie afgelegde verklaringen: The Govemment of the Republic of Bulgaria has the honour to refer to the Statement of the Russian Federation made on 28 August 2008 upon the ratification of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States. Participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their forces, and the Additional Protocol thereto, and declares hereby that in its relations with the Russian Federation it will interpret and apply the provisions of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their forces in accordance with the provisions of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, and will not consider itself bound by any other interpretations, which are not in compliance with the said provisions of the Vienna Convention. In this regard, in case of inconsistency of the interpretations of the Russian Party with the provisions of the Agreement, the Bulgarian Party will give priority to the provisions of the Agreement in accordance with the principles of intemational law. |
12 | Spanje heeft op 04-02-1998 de volgende verklaring afgelegd: Spain shall remain bound by the Agreement Among the States Parties tot the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of Their Forces only with respect to the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace that shall have ratified the Agreement and its Additional Protocol. |
13 | Ratificatie door Ierland onder de volgende verklaring: Having regard to:
Ireland shall not be a receiving state for the purposes of the present Agreement, and the application of, in particular, Articles 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Agreement between Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the status of their Forces, done at London on 19 June 1951, within the territory of Ireland shall not arise accordingly. |