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Besluit 2013/488/EU beveiligingsvoorschriften bescherming gerubriceerde EU-informatie
Aanhangsel C Lijst van nationale beveiligingsinstanties (NSA's)
Geldend vanaf 01-07-2021
- Redactionele toelichting
Wordt toegepast vanaf 01-07-2021.
- Bronpublicatie:
21-06-2021, PbEU 2021, L 233 (uitgifte: 01-07-2021, regelingnummer: 2021/1075)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
21-06-2021, PbEU 2021, L 233 (uitgifte: 01-07-2021, regelingnummer: 2021/1075)
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Openbare orde en veiligheid / Bijzondere onderwerpen
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BELGIË Nationale Veiligheidsoverheidsdienst FOD Buitenlandse Zaken, Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Karmelietenstraat 15 1000 Brussel Tel. secretariaat: +32 25014542 Fax +32 25014596 E-mail: nvo-ans@diplobel.fed.be | DENEMARKEN Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (Danish Security Intelligence Service) Klausdalsbrovej 1 2860 Søborg Tel. +45 45 15 90 07 Fax +45 45 15 01 90 Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (Danish Defence Intelligence Service) Kastellet 30 2100 Copenhagen Ø Tel. +45 33325566 Fax +45 33931320 |
BULGARIJE State Commission on Information Security 4 Kozloduy Str. 1202 Sofia Tel. +359 29333600 Fax +359 29873750 E-mail: dksi@government.bg Website: www.dksi.bg | DUITSLAND Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat Section ÖS II 5 Alt-Moabit 140 D-10557 Berlin Tel. +49 30186810 Fax +49 30186811441 E-mail: 1: OESII5@bmi.bund.de E-mail: 2: PersGS@bmi.bund.de |
TSJECHIË Národní bezpečnostní úřad (National Security Authority) Na Popelce 2/16 150 06 Praag 56 Tel. +420 257283335 Fax +420 257283110 E-mail: oms@nbu.cz Website: www.nbu.cz | ESTLAND National Security Authority Department Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service Rahumäe tee 4B 11316 Tallinn Tel. +372 693 9211 Fax +372 693 5001 E-mail: nsa@fis.gov.ee |
IERLAND National Security Authority Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 76 — 78 Harcourt Street Dublin 2 D02 DX45 Ireland Tel. 1: +353 1 4082842 Tel. 2: +353 1 4082724 E-mail: nsa@dfa.ie | FRANKRIJK Secrétariat général de la défense et de la sécurité nationale Sous-direction Protection du secret (SGDSN/PSD) 51 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg 75700 Paris 07 SP Tel. +33 171758177 Fax +33 171758200 |
GRIEKENLAND Γενικὀ Επιτελεἰο Εθνικἠς Ἁμυνας (ΓΕΕΘΑ) Διεὑθυνση Ασφαλεἱας και Αντιπληροφοριὠν ΣΤΓ 1020 -Χολαργὀς (Αθἠνα) Ελλάδα Τηλ.: +30 2106572045 (ὠρες γραφεἰου) +30 2106572009 (ὠρες γραφεἰου) Φαξ: +30 2106536279 +30 2106577612 Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS) Counter Intelligence and Security Directorate (NSA) 227–231 HOLARGOS STG 1020 ATHENS Tel. +30 2106572045 +30 2106572009 Fax +30 2106536279 +30 2106577612 | KROATIË Office of the National Security Council Croatian NSA Jurjevska 34 10000 Zagreb Croatia Tel. +385 14681222 Fax +385 14686049 E-mail: NSACroatia@uvns.hr Website: www.uvns.hr |
SPANJE Autoridad Nacional de Seguridad Oficina Nacional de Seguridad Calle Argentona, 30 28023 Madrid Tel. +34 913725000 Fax +34 913725808 E-mail: nsa-sp@areatec.com | ITALIË Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Dipartimento Informazioni per la Sicurezza (DIS) Ufficio Centrale per la Segretezza (UCSe) Via Galilei, 32 00185 Roma Tel. +39 06478601 Fax +39 064885273 E-mail: nsa.ita@alfa.gov.it |
CYPRUS ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΑΜΥΝΑΣ ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟ ΕΠΙΤΕΛΕΙΟ ΤΟΥ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΥ ΑΜΥΝΑΣ ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΑΡΧΗ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑΣ (ΕΑΑ) Υπουργεἰο Ἁμυνας Λεωφὀρος Στροβὀλου 172–174, 1432 Λευκωσἰα Ταχυδρομικὀς Κὠδικας: 2048 Τηλεφωνα: +357 22807569, +357 22807643, +357 22807764 Τηλεομοιὀτυπ: +357 22302351 Ηλεκτρονικὀ Ταχυδρομεἰο: cynsa@mod.gov.cy Ministry of Defence Minister's Military Staff National Security Authority (NSA) 172–174 Strovolou Avenue, 1432 Nicosia Postal code: 2048 Tel. +357 22807569, +357 22807643, +357 22807764 Fax +357 22302351 E-mail: cynsa@mod.gov.cy | LITOUWEN Lietuvos Respublikos paslapčių apsaugos koordinavimo komisija (The Commission for Secrets Protection Coordination of the Republic of Lithuania National Security Authority) Pilaitės ave. 19 LT-06264 Vilnius Tel. +370 5 706 66128 Fax +370 706 66700 E-mail: nsa@vsd.lt |
LETLAND National Security Authority Constitution Protection Bureau of the Republic of Latvia P.O. Box 286 Riga, LV-1001 Tel. +371 67025418 E-mail: nsa.ita@alfa.gov.it | LUXEMBURG Autorité nationale de Sécurité Boîte postale 2379 1023 Luxembourg Tel. +352 24782210 centrale Tel. +352 24782253 direct Fax +352 24782243 |
HONGARIJE Nemzeti Biztonsági Felügyelet (National Security Authority of Hungary) 1024 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 11/B Postadres: 1399 Budapest, Pf. 710/50 Tel. +36–1/391–1862 Fax +36–1/391–1889 E-mail: nbf@nbf.hu Website: www.nbf.hu | OOSTENRIJK Informationssicherheitskommission Bundeskanzleramt Ballhausplatz 2 1010 Wien Tel. +43 1 53115 202594 Fax +43 1 53109 202594 E-mail: isk@bka.gv.at |
MALTA Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security P.O. Box 146 MT-Valletta Tel. +356 21249844 Fax +356 25695321 | POLEN Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego — ABW (Internal Security Agency) 2A Rakowiecka St. 00–993 Warszawa Tel. +48 225857663 Fax +48 225858509 E-mail: nsa@abw.gov.pl Website: www.abw.gov.pl |
NEDERLAND Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties Postbus 20010 2500 EA Den Haag Tel. +31 703204400 Fax +31 703200733 Ministerie van Defensie Beveiligingsautoriteit Postbus 20701 2500 ES Den Haag Tel. +31 703187060 Fax +31 703187522 | PORTUGAL Presidência do Conselho de Ministros Autoridade Nacional de Segurança Rua da Junqueira, 69 1300–342 Lisboa Tel. +351 213031710 Fax +351 213031711 |
ROEMENIË Oficiul Registrului Naţional al Informaţiilor Secrete de Stat — Romanian NSA — ORNISS National Registry Office for Classified Information Strada Mureş nr. 4 012275 Bucharest Tel. +40 212075114 Fax +40 212240714 E-mail: nsa.romania@nsa.ro Website: www.orniss.ro | FINLAND National Security Authority Ministry for Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 453 FI-00023 Government Tel. +358 9 16055890 E-mail: NSA@formin.fi |
SLOVENIË Urad Vlade RS za varovanje tajnih podatkov Šmartinska 152 1000 Ljubljana Tel. +386 147817570 Fax +386 14781399 E-mail: gp.uvtp@gov.si | ZWEDEN Ministry for Foreign Affairs Swedish National Security Authority 103 39 Stockholm Tel. +46 8 405 10 00 E-mail: ud-nsa@gov.se |
SLOWAKIJE Národný bezpečnostný úrad (National Security Authority) Budatínska 30 851 06 Bratislava Tel. +421 2 6869 1111 Fax +421 2 6869 1700 E-mail: podatelna@nbu.gov.sk Website: www.nbu.gov.sk |