Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations
Geldend vanaf 01-04-1991
- Bronpublicatie:
19-06-1980, Trb. 1991, 109 (uitgifte: 27-07-1991, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
19-06-1980, Trb. 1991, 109 (uitgifte: 27-07-1991, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Vakgebied(en)
Verbintenissenrecht / Europees verbintenissenrecht
Internationaal privaatrecht / Conflictenrecht
Verbintenissenrecht / Overeenkomst
Convention of 19 June 1980
The High Contracting Parties to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,
Anxious to continue in the field of private international law the work of unification of law which has already been done within the Community, in particular in the field of jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments,
Wishing to establish uniform rules concerning the law applicable to contractual obligations,
Have agreed as follows: