Einde inhoudsopgave
Guidance on restrictions of competition ‘by object’ for the purpose of defining which agreements may benefit from the De Minimis Notice
3.4 Resale price maintenance
Geldend vanaf 25-06-2014
- Bronpublicatie:
25-06-2014, Internet 2014, ec.europa.eu (uitgifte: 25-06-2014, regelingnummer: SWD(2014) 198 final)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
25-06-2014, Internet 2014, ec.europa.eu (uitgifte: 25-06-2014, regelingnummer: SWD(2014) 198 final)
- Vakgebied(en)
Mededingingsrecht / EU-mededingingsrecht
Restrictions of a buyer's ability to determine its minimum sale price generally constitute restrictions by object.
Restrictions imposing maximum sale prices or recommending sale prices are not restrictions by object, provided that they do not amount to fixed or minimum sale prices as a result of pressure from, or incentives offered by, any of the parties.1.
As regards technology transfer agreements, any restrictions on the licensor's or the licensee's ability to determine their sale prices are hardcore restrictions which are generally considered to be restrictions by object, without prejudice to the possibility of imposing a maximum sale price or recommending a sale price.2.
Fixing of prices or setting a minimum sale price may be directly imposed by means of a contractual provision but may also result from indirect measures. For example, an agreement may oblige the buyer to add a specific amount or percentage on top of its purchase price to establish its sale price. Similarly, an agreement may require that the buyer complies with maximum discount levels. Such indirect means of vertical price fixing also constitute restrictions by object.
Case 243/83 SA Binon Cie v SA Agence et Messageries de la Presse Provisions which fix the prices to be observed in contracts with third parties. |
Case 37975 Yamaha Imposition of minimum resale prices on distributors selling musical instruments either directly, by a prohibition on publishing, advertising or announcing prices different from the official price lists, or indirectly, by providing dealers with a formula for calculating their resale prices and with guidelines on recommended retail prices while making clear that advertising and promotion actions with more than 15% rebates would not be considered normal, which de facto amounted to an obligation to respect minimum prices. |
Article 4(a) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 330/2010.
Article 4(2)(a) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 316/2014.