Einde inhoudsopgave
Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Ghana for the Elimination of Double Taxation with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital Gains and the Prevention of Tax Evasion and Avoidance
Article 29 Members of diplomatic missions and consular posts
Geldend vanaf 12-11-2008
- Bronpublicatie:
10-03-2008, Trb. 2008, 109 (uitgifte: 23-05-2008, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
27-11-2008, Trb. 2008, 217 (uitgifte: 01-01-2008, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Vakgebied(en)
Internationaal belastingrecht (V)
Internationaal belastingrecht / Belastingverdragen
Nothing in this Convention shall affect the fiscal privileges of members of diplomatic missions or consular posts under the general rules of international law or under the provisions of special agreements.
The Convention shall not apply to international organisations, organs and officials thereof and to persons who are members of a diplomatic mission or consular post of a third State, being present in a Contracting State and not treated in either Contracting State as residents in respect of taxes on income and on capital gains.