Internationaal Verdrag inzake hulpverlening, 1989
Partijen en gegevens
Geldend vanaf 14-07-1996
- Redactionele toelichting
De partijen en gegevens zijn afkomstig van de Verdragenbank (
- Bronpublicatie:
28-04-1989, Trb. 1990, 109 (uitgifte: 31-07-1990, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
31-12-1997, Trb. 1997, 321 (uitgifte: 01-01-1997, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Vakgebied(en)
Gezondheidsrecht / Individuele gezondheidszorg
Internationaal publiekrecht / Bijzondere onderwerpen
Trb. 1990, 109
Trb. 1997, 321
Trb. 2011, 61
Partij | Datum inwerkingtreding | Voorbehoud |
Albanië | 14-06-2007 | |
Algerije | 26-03-2013 | |
Australië | 08-01-1998 | |
Azerbeidzjan | 12-06-2007 | |
Barbados | 08-03-2024 | |
België | 30-06-2005 | |
Brazilië | 29-07-2010 | |
Bulgarije | 14-03-2006 | |
Canada | 14-07-1996 | |
China | 14-07-1996 | |
Republiek Congo | 07-09-2005 | |
Denemarken | 14-07-1996 | |
Djibouti | 12-10-2016 | |
Dominica | 31-08-2002 | |
Duitsland | 08-10-2002 | |
Ecuador | 16-02-2006 | |
Egypte | 14-07-1996 | |
Estland | 31-07-2002 | |
Fiji | 08-03-2017 | |
Finland | 12-01-2008 | |
Frankrijk | 21-12-2002 | |
Georgië | 25-08-1996 | |
Griekenland | 03-06-1997 | |
Guinee | 02-10-2003 | |
Guyana | 10-12-1998 | |
Ierland | 14-07-1996 | |
IJsland | 21-03-2003 | |
India | 18-10-1996 | |
Irak | 01-03-2024 | |
Iran | 14-07-1996 | |
Italië | 14-07-1996 | |
Ivoorkust | 18-07-2024 | |
Jamaica | 28-11-2014 | |
Jemen | 23-09-2009 | |
Jordanië | 03-10-1996 | |
Kenia | 21-07-2000 | |
Kiribati | 05-02-2008 | |
Kroatië | 10-09-1999 | |
Letland | 17-03-2000 | |
Liberia | 18-09-2009 | |
Litouwen | 15-11-2000 | |
Madagaskar | 26-07-2020 | |
Marokko | 25-02-2017 | |
Marshalleilanden | 16-10-1996 | |
Mauritius | 17-12-2003 | |
Mexico | 14-07-1996 | |
Mongolië | 02-09-2016 | |
Montenegro | 19-04-2013 | |
het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (het Europese deel van Nederland) | 10-12-1998 | |
Nieuw-Zeeland | 16-10-2003 | |
Nigeria | 14-07-1996 | |
Niue | 27-06-2013 | |
Noorwegen | 03-12-1997 | |
Oekraïne | 15-06-2018 | |
Oman | 14-07-1996 | |
Palau | 29-09-2012 | |
Polen | 16-12-2006 | |
Roemenië | 18-05-2002 | |
Russische Federatie | 25-05-2000 | |
Saint Kitts en Nevis | 07-10-2005 | |
San Marino | 19-04-2022 | |
Saudi-Arabië | 14-07-1996 | |
Sierra Leone | 26-07-2002 | |
Singapore | 24-07-2021 | |
Slovenië | 23-12-2006 | |
Spanje | 27-01-2006 | |
Syrië | 19-03-2003 | |
Thailand | 28-11-2020 | |
Tonga | 18-09-2004 | |
Tunesië | 05-05-2000 | |
Turkije | 27-06-2015 | |
Vanuatu | 18-02-2000 | |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | 14-07-1996 | |
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten | 14-07-1996 | |
Verenigde Staten van Amerika | 14-07-1996 | |
Zweden | 19-12-1996 | |
Zwitserland | 14-07-1996 |
Voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
1 | Bekrachtiging door Mexico onder het volgende voorbehoud en de volgende verklaring: The Government of Mexico reserves the right not to apply the provisions of this Convention in the cases mentioned in article 30, paragraphs 1a), b), c), and d), pointing out at the same time that it considers salvage as a voluntary act. (vertaling). |
2 | De bekrachtiging door het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland heeft mede betrekking op: het Baljuwschap Jersey het eiland Man de Falkland-eilanden Montserrat Zuid-Georgië en de Zuidelijke Sandwich-eilanden De bekrachtiging geschiedde onder het volgende voorbehoud: In accordance with the provisions of Article 30, paragraph 1a), b) and c) of the Convention, the United Kingdom reserves the right not to apply the provisions of the Convention when:
Toepasselijkverklaring door het Verenigd Koninkrijk voor de Falklandeilanden, Hongkong, Jersey, Man, Montserat, Zuid-Georgië en de Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden vanaf 30-05-1997, voor Anguilla, het Brits Antarctisch Territorium, het Brits Territorium in de Indische Oceaan, de Britse Maagdeneilanden, de Caymaneilanden, de Ducie en Oeno-eilanden, Henderson, de Pitcairneilanden, Sint-Helena, Ascension en Tristan da Cunha en de Turks- en Caicoseilanden vanaf 22-07-1998 en voor Guernsey vanaf 14-09-2001. De depositaris heeft op 11-06-1997 de volgende verklaring van het Britse Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken ontvangen: I am instructed by Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs to refer to the International Convention on Salvage done at London on 28 April 1989 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Convention’) which applies to Hong Kong at present. I am also instructed to state that, in accordance with the Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong signed on 19 December 1984, the Government of the United Kingdom will restore Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China with effect from 1 July 1997. The Government of the United Kingdom will continue to have international responsibility for Hong Kong until that date. Therefore, from that date the Government of the United Kingdom will cease to be responsible for the international rights and obligations arising from the application of the Convention to Hong Kong ... De Chinese Ambassadeur te Londen heeft op 05-06-1997 het volgende medegedeeld: In accordance with the Joint Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the Question of Hong Kong signed on 19 December 1984, the People's Republic of China will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong with effect from 1 July 1997. Hong Kong will, with effect from that date, become a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and will enjoy a high degree of autonomy, except in foreign and defense affairs which are the responsibilities of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China. In this connection, I am instructed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China to make the following notification: The International Convention on Salvage 1989 (SALVAGE 1989), to which the Government of the People's Republic of China deposited the instrument of accession on 30 March 1994, will apply to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region with effect from 1 July 1997. The Government of the People's Republic of China also makes following declaration. It reserves the right for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in accordance with Paragraph 1a), b) and d) of Article 30, not to apply the provisions of the Convention when:
The Government of the People's Republic of China will assume responsibility for the international rights and obligations arising from the application of the Convention to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (vertaling). |
3 | Bekrachtiging onder het voorbehoud voorzien in artikel 30, eerste lid, letter d, van het Verdrag. |
4 | Bekrachtiging door Ierland onder het volgende voorbehoud: …reserve the right of Ireland not to apply the provisions of the Convention specified in article 30(1)a) and b) thereof. |
5 | Bekrachtiging door het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden onder de volgende kennisgeving in overeenstemming met artikel 4, tweede lid, van het Verdrag: The Kingdom of the Netherlands reserves the right not to apply the provisions of this Convention when the property involved is maritime cultural property of prehistoric, archaeological or historic interest and is situated on the sea-bed. The Kingdom of the Netherlands has decided to apply the International Convention on Salvage, 1989 to its warships or other vessels described in paragraph 1 of article 4 of the Convention under the following terms and conditions: according to article 554 of Book 8, Means of Traffic and Transport, of the Netherlands Civil Code, as amended by Act of 2 July 1997 amending Book 8 of the Civil Code with regard to salvage and several other acts, section 2, Assistance, of Title 6 of said Book 8 also applies to salvage by or of a warship or other non-commercial vessel belonging to, operated or chartered by the State of the Netherlands or any other State that has declared the Convention applicable to those ships or vessels. Inwerkingtreding voor het Caribische deel van Nederland vanaf 10-10-2010. |
6 | Toetreding door Saudi-Arabië onder het volgende voorbehoud:
7 | Toetreding door China onder de verklaring ‘that in accordance with the provisions of article 30, paragraph 1 of the International Convention on Salvage, 1989, the Government of the People's Republic of China reserves the right not to apply the provisions of article 30, paragraphs 1a), b) and d) of the said Convention.’. Toepasselijkverklaring door China voor Hongkong SAR vanaf 01-07-1997 en voor Macau SAR vanaf 24-06-2005. |
8 | Toetreding door Iran onder het volgende voorbehoud: The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran reserves the right not to apply the provisions of this Convention in the cases mentioned in article 30, paragraphs 1a), b), c) and d). |
9 | Toetreding door Kroatië onder het volgende voorbehoud: In accordance with paragraph 1(b) and (d) Article 30 of the International Convention on Salvage, 1989, the Republic of Croatia declares that it reserves the right not to apply the provisions of the International Convention on Salvage:
10 | Toetreding door Litouwen onder het volgende voorbehoud: In accordance with the paragraph 1(a) and (b) of Article 30 of the said Convention the Republic of Lituania reserves the right not to apply the provisions of the Convention when:
11 | Ratificatie door de Russische Federatie onder het volgende voorbehoud: The Russian Federation, pursuant to paragraph 1, subparagraph (d) of article 30 of the International Convention on Salvage, 1989, reserves the right not to apply that provision in the said Convention, when the property concerned is maritime property of a cultural character of prehistoric, archaeological or historical significance and is lying on the seabed. |
12 | Toetreding door Tunesië onder het volgende voorbehoud: Tunisia reserves the right not to apply the provisions of the International Convention on Salvage, 1989:
13 | Toepasselijkverklaring door Nieuw-Zeeland voor de Tokelau-eilanden vanaf 16-10-2003. Toetreding door Nieuw-Zeeland onder de volgende verklaring: The Government of New Zealand, in respect of Article 30(1)(d) of the Convention, reserves the right not to apply the provisions of the Convention when the property involved is maritime cultural property of prehistoric, archaeological or historic interest and is situated on the sea bed; and declares that this accession shall extend to Tokelau. |
14 | Toetreding door Australië onder de volgende verklaring: … that Australia shall not be bound to apply the provisions of the Convention in the circumstances specified in Article 30, paragraph 1, subparagraphs (a), (b) and (d) of the Convention. |
15 | Toetreding door Bulgarije onder de volgende verklaring:
16 | Ratificatie door Duitsland onder de volgende verklaring: By way of derogation from Article 4(1), the Federal Republic of Germany will also apply the provision of this Convention, with the exception of Article 21, to vessels owned or operated by a State which are serving non-commercial purposes and which are entitled, at the time of salvage operations, to sovereign immunity under generally recognized principles of international law. In accordance with Article 30(1)(d), the Federal Republic of Germany reserves the right not to apply the provisions of this Convention when the property involved is maritime cultural property of prehistoric, archaeological or historic interest and is situated on the seabed. |
17 | Toetreding door Ecuador onder de volgende verklaring: In accordance with article 30.1(d) of the International Convention on Salvage, 1989, adopted on 28 April 1989 in London, United Kingdom, at the headquarters of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Government of the Republic of Ecuador reserves the right not to apply the provisions of the Convention when the property involved is maritime cultural property of prehistoric, archaeological or historic interest and is situated on the sea-bed. |
18 | Toetreding door Estland onder de volgende verklaring:
19 | Ratificatie door Finland onder de volgende verklaring: Pursuant to article 30(1)(d) of the Convention, the Republic of Finland reserves the right not to apply the provisions of this Convention when the property involved is maritime cultural property of prehistoric, archaeologial of historic interest and is situated on the sea-bed. |
20 | Toetreding door Frankrijk onder de volgende verklaring: In ratifying the International Convention on Salvage, established in London on 28 April 1989, the Government of the French Republic reserves the right, under Article 30, paragraph 1(a) and (b) of the Convention, not to apply its provisions when salvage operations take place in inland waters and all vessels involved are of inland navigation and when assistance operations take place in inland waters and no vessel is involved. In accordance with Article 30, paragraph 1(d) of the convention, the French Government also reserves the right not to apply the provisions of the said Convention when the property involved is maritime cultural property of prehistoric, archaeological or historic interest and is situated on the seabed. |
21 | Ratificatie door Canada onder de volgende verklaring: Pursuant to Article 30 of the International Convention on Salvage, 1989, the Government of Canada reserves the right not to apply the provisions of this Convention when the property involved is maritime cultural property of prehistoric, archaeological or historic interest and is situated on the sea-bed. |
22 | Ratificatie door Noorwegen onder de volgende verklaring: In accordance with Article 30, subparagraph 1(d) of the Convention, the Kingdom of Norway reserves the right not to apply the provisions of this Convention when the property involved is maritime cultural property of prehistoric, archaeological or historic interest and is situated on the sea-bed. |
23 | Ratificatie door Polen onder de volgende verklaring:
24 | Ratificatie door Spanje onder de volgende verklaring: In accordance with article 30.1(a), (b) and (d) of the International Convention on Salvage, 1989, the Kingdom of Spain reserves the right not to apply the provisions of the Convention:
For the purposes of these reservations, the Kingdom of Spain intends that ‘inland waters shall mean exclusively those continental waters that are not in contact with the waters of the sea and are not used by maritime shipping;
25 | Toetreding door Syrië onder de volgende verklaring: The accession to this Convention by the Syrian Arab Republic does not mean in any way the recognition of Israel nor does it entail any form of collaboration provided for in the Convention. |
26 | Ratificatie door Zweden onder de volgende verklaring: Referring to Article 30 1(d) Sweden reserves the right not to apply the provisions of the Convention when the property involved is maritime cultural property of prehistoric, archaeological or historic interest and is situated on the sea-bed. |
27 | Toetreding door Jamaica onder de volgende verklaring: […] the Government of Jamaica, in accordance with article 30(1)(d) reserves the right not to apply the provisions of this Convention when the property involved its maritime cultural property of prehistoric, archaeological or historic interest and is situated on the sea-bed. |
28 | Toetreding door Turkije onder de volgende verklaring: The Republic of Turkey reserves the right not to apply the provisions of this Convention in the situations mentioned in Article 30 of the International Convention on Salvage, 1989. |
29 | Toetreding door Oekraïne onder de volgende verklaring: In accordance with article 30 of this Convention, Ukraine reserves the right not to apply the provisions of this Convention when:
30 | Toetreding door Thailand onder de volgende verklaring: […] pursuant to paragraph (1) (a) of article 30 of the aforesaid Convention, the Kingdom of Thailand reserves the right not to apply the provisions of this Convention when the salvage operation takes place in inland waters and all vessels involved are of inland navigation. |
31 | Toetreding door Singapore onder de volgende verklaring: The Republic of Singapore reserves the right, in accordance with Article 30, paragraphs 1(a), (b) and (d) of the Convention, not to apply the provisions of the Convention: