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UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency
Annex I General Assembly resolution 52/158 of 15 December 1997
Geldend vanaf 18-07-2013
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18-07-2013, Internet 2013, www.uncitral.org (uitgifte: 18-07-2013, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
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18-07-2013, Internet 2013, www.uncitral.org (uitgifte: 18-07-2013, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Vakgebied(en)
Insolventierecht / Algemeen
Internationaal privaatrecht / Conflictenrecht
52/158. Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolution 2205 (XXI) of 17 December 1966, by which it created the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law with a mandate to further the progressive harmonization and unification of the law of international trade and in that respect to bear in mind the interests of all peoples, in particular those of developing countries, in the extensive development of international trade,
Noting that increased cross-border trade and investment leads to greater incidence of cases where enterprises and individuals have assets in more than one State,
Noting also that when a debtor with assets in more than one State becomes subject to an insolvency proceeding, there often exists an urgent need for cross-border cooperation and coordination in the supervision and administration of the insolvent debtor's assets and affairs,
Considering that inadequate coordination and cooperation in cases of cross-border insolvency reduce the possibility of rescuing financially troubled but viable businesses, impede a fair and efficient administration of cross-border insolvencies, make it more likely that the debtor's assets would be concealed or dissipated and hinder reorganizations or liquidations of debtors' assets and affairs that would be the most advantageous for the creditors and other interested persons, including the debtors and the debtors' employees,
Noting that many States lack a legislative framework that would make possible or facilitate effective cross-border coordination and cooperation,
Convinced that fair and internationally harmonized legislation on cross-border insolvency that respects the national procedural and judicial systems and is acceptable to States with different legal, social and economic systems would contribute to the development of international trade and investment,
Considering that a set of internationally harmonized model legislative provisions on cross-border insolvency is needed to assist States in modernizing their legislation governing cross-border insolvency,
Expresses its appreciation to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law for completing and adopting the Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency contained in the annex to the present resolution;a.
Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the text of the Model Law, together with the Guide to Enactment of the Model Law prepared by the Secretariat, to Governments and interested bodies;
Recommends that all States review their legislation on cross-border aspects of insolvency to determine whether the legislation meets the objectives of a modern and efficient insolvency system and, in that review, give favourable consideration to the Model Law, bearing in mind the need for an internationally harmonized legislation governing instances of cross-border insolvency;
Recommends also that all efforts be made to ensure that the Model Law, together with the Guide, become generally known and available.
72nd plenary meeting
15 December 1997
The UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency is presented in part one of the present publication.