Einde inhoudsopgave
Regeling zeevarenden
Bijlage F
Geldend vanaf 01-04-2019
- Bronpublicatie:
23-01-2019, Stcrt. 2019, 5566 (uitgifte: 11-02-2019, regelingnummer: IENW/BSK-2019/4405)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
23-01-2019, Stcrt. 2019, 5566 (uitgifte: 11-02-2019, regelingnummer: IENW/BSK-2019/4405)
- Vakgebied(en)
Arbeidsrecht / Arbeidsomstandigheden en beroepsschade
Vervoersrecht / Zeevervoer
bij de artikelen 8.41 tot en met 8.45 van de Regeling zeevarenden
Onderdeel A. certificaat wetgeving en openbaar gezag
- 1.
Kennis van de hoofdlijnen en de structuur van de onderstaande wetten en de daarop gebaseerde regelgeving op het terrein van:
- a.
Veiligheid en beveiliging van zeeschepen:
- –
- –
- b.
Voorkoming van verontreiniging van het milieu door zeeschepen:
- –
- –
- c.
Het bemannen van zeeschepen:
- –
- –
- –
- d.
Werk- en leefomstandigheden aan boord van zeeschepen:
- –
- –
- –
- e.
- –
Burgerlijk Wetboek, Boek 7, titel 10, afdeling 12;
- f.
Bepalingen ter voorkoming van aanvaringen op zee:
- –
- 2.
Voor kapiteins naast de in punt 1 genoemde regelgeving tevens kennis van onderstaande wetten en de daarop gebaseerde regelgeving op het terrein van:
- a.
Nationaliteit en registratie van zeeschepen:
- –
- –
- –
Wetboek van Koophandel, Tweede Boek, Eersteen Tweede titel;
- b.
Positie en verantwoordelijkheden van de kapitein:
- –
Burgerlijk Wetboek, Boek 8, titel 4, afdeling 2;
- –
Wetboek van Koophandel, Tweede Boek, Vierde titel;
- –
- –
Relevante onderdelen uit de in punt 1 genoemde regelgeving
- c.
Strafrecht m.b.t. misdrijven en overtredingen in de scheepvaart:
- –
Wetboek van Strafrecht, Eerste Boek, Titel I;
- –
Wetboek van Strafrecht, Tweede Boek, Titel XXIX;
- –
Wetboek van Strafrecht, Derde Boek, Titel IX;
- d.
Geboorte en overlijden aan boord:
- –
Burgerlijk Wetboek, Boek 1, titel 4, afdeling 4:
- –
- e.
Opmaken aan boord van uiterste wil:
- –
Burgerlijk Wetboek, Boek 4, titel 4, afdeling 4;
- f.
Oorlog en buitengewone omstandigheden:
- –
Grondwet, de artikelen 96 en 99a;
- –
Wetboek van Koophandel, Tweede Boek, Derde titel, de artikelen 367 en 368;
- –
Onderdeel B. certificaat scheepsmanagement-N
Onderdelen van tabel A-II/2, behorende bij sectie A-II/2 van de STCW-Code:
- 1.
Coordinate search and rescue operations;
- 2.
Respond to navigational emergencies;
- 3.
Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea, security and the protection of the marine environment;
- 4.
Maintain safety and security of the ship’s crew and passengers and the operational condition of life-saving, fire-fighting and other safety systems, only:
- a.
Actions to be taken to protect and safeguard all persons on board in emergencies;
- b.
Actions to limit damage and salve the ship following a fire, explosion, collision or grounding;
- 5.
Develop emergency and damage control plans and handle emergency situations;
- 6.
Use of leadership and managerial skill.
Onderdeel C. certificaat scheepsmanagement-W
Onderdelen van tabel A-III/2, behorende bij sectie A-III/2 van de STCW-Code:
- 1.
Ensure safe working practices;
- 2.
Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment;
- 3.
Maintain safety and security of the vessel, crew and passengers and the operational condition of life-saving, fire-fighting and other safety systems, only:
- a.
Actions to be taken to protect and safeguard all persons on board in emergencies;
- b.
Actions to limit damage and salve the ship following fire, explosion, collision or grounding;
- 4.
Develop emergency and damage control plans and handle emergency situations;
- 5.
Use leadership and managerial skill.
Onderdeel D. certificaat aanvulling-N voor reizen nabij de internationale kust
Onderdelen van tabel A-II/3, behorende bij sectie A-II/3 van de STCW-Code:
- 1.
Maintain a safe navigational watch, alleen het onderdeel Reporting in accordance with general principles for ship reporting systems and with VTS procedures;
- 2.
Respond to emergencies, de onderdelen:
- a.
Emergency steering;
- b.
Arrangements for towing and for being taken in tow;
- c.
Rescuing persons from sea;
- d.
Assisting a vessel in distress;
- e.
Appreciation of the action to be taken when emergencies arise in port;
- 3.
Ensure compliance with pollution-prevention requirements;
- 4.
Maintain seaworthiness of the ship, de onderdelen:
- a.
Understanding of fundamental actions to be taken in the event of partial loss of intact buoyancy;
- b.
Understanding of the fundamentals of watertight integrity;
- 5.
Monitor compliance with legislative requirements.
Het onderdeel ‘Use of leadership and managerial skill’ van tabel A-II/2, behorende bij sectie A-II/2 van de STCW-code, te beheersen op het niveau van reizen nabij de kust, de onderdelen:
- 1.
Knowledge of shipboard personnel management and training;
- 2.
Knowledge and ability to apply effective resource management, de onderdelen:
- a.
allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources;
- b.
effective communication on board and ashore;
- c.
obtaining and maintaining situation awareness;
- 3.
Knowledge and ability to apply decision-making techniques.
Onderdeel E. certificaat aanvulling-W voor reizen nabij de internationale kust
Onderdelen van tabel A-III/2, behorende bij sectie A-III/3 van de STCW-Code, te beheersen op het niveau van reizen nabij de kust:
- 1.
Plan and schedule operations, alleen het onderdeel ‘Propulsion characteristics of diesel engines including speed, output and fuel consumption’;
- 2.
Operation, surveillance, performance assessment and maintaining safety of diesel propulsion plant and auxiliary machinery, de onderdelen:
- a.
Start up and shut down main propulsion and auxiliary machinery, including associated systems;
- b.
Operating limits of propulsion plant;
- c.
The efficient operation, surveillance, performance assessment and maintaining;
- d.
Safety of propulsion plant and auxiliary machinery;
- e.
Functions and mechanism of automatic control for main engine;
- f.
Functions and mechanism of automatic control for auxiliary machinery including but not limited to:
- 1°
Oil purifier;
- 2°
Refrigeration system;
- 3°
Pumping and piping systems;
- 4°
Steering gear system;
- 5°
Cargo-handling equipment and deck machinery
- 3.
Manage operation of electrical and electronic control equipment, de onderdelen:
- a.
Automatic control engineering and safety devices;
- b.
Design features and system configurations of automatic control equipment and safety devices for the generator and distribution system;
- c.
Design features and system configuration of operational control equipment for electrical motors;
- d.
Features of hydraulic and pneumatic control equipment;
- 4.
Manage troubleshooting restoration of electrical and electronic control equipment to operating condition, alleen het onderdeel ‘Troubleshooting of electrical and electronic control equipment’;
- 5.
Manage safe and effective maintenance and repair procedures, de onderdelen:
- a.
Marine engineering practice;
- b.
Manage safe and effective maintenance and repair procedures;
- c.
Planning maintenance, including statutory and class verifications;
- 6.
Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults, de onderdelen:
- a.
Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults and action to prevent damage;
- b.
Inspection and adjustment of equipment;
- 7.
Ensure safe working practices;
- 8.
Control trim, stability and stress, de onderdelen:
- a.
Knowledge of the effect on stability of a ship in the event of damage to and consequent flooding of a compartment and countermeasures to be taken;
- b.
Knowledge of IMO recommendations concerning ship stability;
- 9.
Monitor and control compliance with legislative measures to ensure safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environment, alleen het onderdeel ‘Knowledge of relevant international maritime law embodied in international agreements and conventions’;
- 10.
Use of leadership and managerial skill, de onderdelen:
- a.
Knowledge of shipboard personnel management and training;
- b.
Knowledge and ability to apply effective resource management, de onderdelen:
- 1°
Allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources;
- 2°
Effective communication on board and ashore;
- 3°
Obtaining and maintaining situation awareness;
- c.
Knowledge and ability to apply decision‑making techniques.