Einde inhoudsopgave
Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
Article 27 Ex parte and ex officio applications
Geldend vanaf 01-02-2008
- Bronpublicatie:
16-05-2005, Trb. 2006, 99 (uitgifte: 12-05-2006, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
25-05-2010, Trb. 2010, 160 (uitgifte: 25-05-2010, kamerstukken/regelingnummer: -)
- Vakgebied(en)
Internationaal publiekrecht / Verdragenrecht
Materieel strafrecht / Algemeen
Each Party shall ensure that investigations into or prosecution of offences established in accordance with this Convention shall not be dependent upon the report or accusation made by a victim, at least when the offence was committed in whole or in part on its territory.
Each Party shall ensure that victims of an offence in the territory of a Party other than the one where they reside may make a complaint before the competent authorities of their State of residence. The competent authority to which the complaint is made, insofar as it does not itself have competence in this respect, shall transmit it without delay to the competent authority of the Party in the territory in which the offence was committed. The complaint shall be dealt with in accordance with the internal law of the Party in which the offence was committed.
Each Party shall ensure, by means of legislative or other measures, in accordance with the conditions provided for by its internal law, to any group, foundation, association or non-governmental organisations which aims at fighting trafficking in human beings or protection of human rights, the possibility to assist and/or support the victim with his or her consent during criminal proceedings concerning the offence established in accordance with Article 18 of this Convention.