Einde inhoudsopgave
Guidance on restrictions of competition ‘by object’ for the purpose of defining which agreements may benefit from the De Minimis Notice
2.3.1 General principles
Geldend vanaf 25-06-2014
- Bronpublicatie:
25-06-2014, Internet 2014, ec.europa.eu (uitgifte: 25-06-2014, regelingnummer: SWD(2014) 198 final)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
25-06-2014, Internet 2014, ec.europa.eu (uitgifte: 25-06-2014, regelingnummer: SWD(2014) 198 final)
- Vakgebied(en)
Mededingingsrecht / EU-mededingingsrecht
Competitors agreeing to restrict the volume of their supply or production capacity (either for one or both of the parties) is seen as a restriction of output, which in turn is considered a restriction by object.
Case C-209/07 Beef Industry Development Society (BIDS) Agreement to reduce production capacity within the context of a cartel on the market for beef and veal |