Einde inhoudsopgave
Guidance on restrictions of competition ‘by object’ for the purpose of defining which agreements may benefit from the De Minimis Notice
2.1.1 General principles
Geldend vanaf 25-06-2014
- Bronpublicatie:
25-06-2014, Internet 2014, ec.europa.eu (uitgifte: 25-06-2014, regelingnummer: SWD(2014) 198 final)
- Inwerkingtreding
- Bronpublicatie inwerkingtreding:
25-06-2014, Internet 2014, ec.europa.eu (uitgifte: 25-06-2014, regelingnummer: SWD(2014) 198 final)
- Vakgebied(en)
Mededingingsrecht / EU-mededingingsrecht
Restrictions whereby competitors agree to fix prices of products which they sell or buy are, as a matter of principle, restrictions by object. It is not necessary that the agreement expressly or directly fixes the selling or purchasing price: it is sufficient if the parties agree on certain parameters of the price composition, such as the amount of rebates given to customers.
Joined Cases C-238/99 P, C-244/99 P, C-245/99 P, C-247/99 P, C-250/99 P to C-252/99 P and C-254/99 P, ICI v Commission A cartel in which target prices and target quotas were fixed, and there were concerted initiatives to raise price levels and monitor the operation of the collusive arrangements. |
Joined Cases C-l25/07 P, C-133/07 P, C-135/07 P and C-137/07 P, Österreichische Volksbanken v Commission A cartel in which banks fixed deposit and lending rates. |
Case T-208/08, Gosselin Group v Commission A cartel on the international removal services market that related to the direct or indirect fixing of prices, market sharing and the manipulation of the procedure for the submission of tenders. |
Joined Cases T-217/03 and T-245/03, French Beef Agreement concluded by federations representing farmers and federations representing slaughterers aimed at fixing minimum prices for the purchase of cows by slaughterers and suspending beef imports. |
Case 38549 Architectes Belges Recommended minimum fees (i.e. recommended minimum prices) of a national association of architects. Like fixed prices, recommended prices reduce competition because they facilitate price coordination. |
Case 39847 Ebooks Coordination between publishers and a distributor, to jointly switch from a wholesale model, in which retail prices were determined by retailers, to agency contracts, as part of a common strategy aimed at raising retail prices for e-books or preventing the introduction of lower retail prices on a global scale. |
Case 39398 Visa Multilateral Interchange Fees Joint setting by banks of so called Multilateral Interchange Fees (MIFs) in the payment card market was considered price fixing.1. |
MIFs are fees charged by a cardholder's bank (the issuing bank) to a merchant's bank (the acquiring bank) for each sales transaction made at a merchant outlet with a payment card. In payment schemes such as Visa and MasterCard, which are associations of banks, these fees are multilaterally agreed by member banks.