Artikel 6 EVRM en de civiele procedure
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Artikel 6 EVRM en de civiele procedure (BPP nr. 10) 2008/8.1:8.1 Resolution (78) 8
Artikel 6 EVRM en de civiele procedure (BPP nr. 10) 2008/8.1
8.1 Resolution (78) 8
Mr. P. Smits, datum 06-03-2008
- Datum
- Auteur
Mr. P. Smits
- Vakgebied(en)
Burgerlijk procesrecht (V)
Deze functie is alleen te gebruiken als je bent ingelogd.
on legal aid and advice
(Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 2 March 1978 at the 284th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies)
The Committee of Ministers, Considering that the right of access to justice and to a fair hearing, as guaranteed under Aaide 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, is an essential feature of any democratic society;
Considering that it is therefore important to take all necessary steps with a view to eliminating economic obstacles to legal proceedings and that the existence of appropriate systems of legal aid will contribute to the achievement of this aim especially for those in an economically weak position;
Considering that the provision of legal aid should no longer be regarded as a charity to indigent persons but as an obligation of the community as a whole;
Considering that facilitating the availability of legal advice as a supple ment to legal aid for persons in an economically weak position is of equal importance in the elimination of obstacles to access to justice,
Recommends the governments of member states to take or reinforce, as the case may be, all measures which they consider necessary with a view to the progressive implementation of the principles set out in the appendix to this resolution;
Invites the governments of member states to inform the Secretary General of the Council of Europe periodically of the measures taken to follow up the recommendation contained in this resolution.